La Gloria Cubana Brand Cigars
the heart of Little Havana in 1968, where their bold taste made them a local favorite.
In 1980, Ernesto Jr. blended a unique combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to make the cigars from Cubana even more full-flavored, full-bodied, and with richer tastes. His efforts paid off, when, in 1992, Cigar Aficionado recognized the high quality of La Gloria Cubana, giving it a 90 rating. Today, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought-after cigars in the world. Known for its medium bodied array of flavors.
For many, La Gloria Cubana has built a reputation as the closest thing to pre embargo cigars possible. Perhaps even surpassing their Cuban heritage to forge a legacy of their own. In fact, modern reviews have actually scored Lor Gloria Cubana higher than their Cuban equivalents. A feat that has almost never been accomplished.
The secret lies in its construction. Built from a mix of Brazilian, Dominican, Mexican, and Nicaraguan tobacco for its fillers. It's capped with a smooth Nicaraguan binder that manages to add a bit of its own flavor. All of it is rolled into a silky Ecuadorian or Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper.
The general flavor profile itself is immensely rewarding. Drawing on its complex profile to bring strong and luxurious notes. Sparking it up brings the taste of cedar, herbs, pepper, minerals, and sweet citrus. All melding on the palate as the cigars burns sharply.
Always a critical favorite, the latest size, the La Gloria Cubana Classic Glorias was actually awarded a high 92 point rating. Critics were wowed by its harmonious notes of nuts, As well as its earthy core of tobacco from the Dominican Republic. The whole experience comes together on the draw to provide a firm but even burn.
The Classic Glorais even made Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 cigar of the year list for 2022. Reaching the coveted #24 spot. The reviewers stated, "It starts with a leafy edge, but quickly strengthens to show rich chocolate and leather flavors, with a cedary finish. A powerhouse that will age well."
Available in a whole host of sizes, Smokers are sure to find a stick that will provide lasting memories and dazzling tastes. Take a moment to appreciate the joys of a premium smoke with La Gloria Cubana!
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In 1980, Ernesto Jr. blended a unique combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to make the cigars from Cubana even more full-flavored, full-bodied, and with richer tastes. His efforts paid off, when, in 1992, Cigar Aficionado recognized the high quality of La Gloria Cubana, giving it a 90 rating. Today, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought-after cigars in the world. Known for its medium bodied array of flavors.
For many, La Gloria Cubana has built a reputation as the closest thing to pre embargo cigars possible. Perhaps even surpassing their Cuban heritage to forge a legacy of their own. In fact, modern reviews have actually scored Lor Gloria Cubana higher than their Cuban equivalents. A feat that has almost never been accomplished.
The secret lies in its construction. Built from a mix of Brazilian, Dominican, Mexican, and Nicaraguan tobacco for its fillers. It's capped with a smooth Nicaraguan binder that manages to add a bit of its own flavor. All of it is rolled into a silky Ecuadorian or Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper.
The general flavor profile itself is immensely rewarding. Drawing on its complex profile to bring strong and luxurious notes. Sparking it up brings the taste of cedar, herbs, pepper, minerals, and sweet citrus. All melding on the palate as the cigars burns sharply.
Always a critical favorite, the latest size, the La Gloria Cubana Classic Glorias was actually awarded a high 92 point rating. Critics were wowed by its harmonious notes of nuts, As well as its earthy core of tobacco from the Dominican Republic. The whole experience comes together on the draw to provide a firm but even burn.
The Classic Glorais even made Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 cigar of the year list for 2022. Reaching the coveted #24 spot. The reviewers stated, "It starts with a leafy edge, but quickly strengthens to show rich chocolate and leather flavors, with a cedary finish. A powerhouse that will age well."
Available in a whole host of sizes, Smokers are sure to find a stick that will provide lasting memories and dazzling tastes. Take a moment to appreciate the joys of a premium smoke with La Gloria Cubana!
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La Gloria Cubana
La Gloria Cubana Corojo de Oro
La Gloria Cubana Esteli
La Gloria Cubana Limited Edition
La Gloria Cubana Los Gloriosos
La Gloria Cubana Medio Tiempo
La Gloria Cubana Serie N
La Gloria Cubana Serie R
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black Maduro
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli Maduro
La Gloria Cubana Serie S
La Gloria Cubana Serie S Maduro
La Gloria Cubana Society Cigar II
La Gloria Cubana Spanish Press
La Gloria Cubana Spirit of the Lady
La Gloria Cubana Trunk Show
La Gloria Cubana Artesanos de Obelisco (discontinued)
La Gloria Cubana Coleccion Reserva (discontinued)
La Gloria Cubana Criollo de Oro (discontinued)
La Gloria Cubana Domino (discontinued)
La Gloria Cubana Seleccion Suprema (discontinued)
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