La Gloria Cubana Serie R
Designed for seasoned cigar lovers looking for the ultimate in bold flavor, Serie R cigars come in four full-bodied sizes, each one guaranteed to please even the most discerning seeker of rich, robust cigars. In 1999, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. decided he wanted to bring something special to his La Gloria Cubana customers. Inspired by his personal taste for very full-bodied cigars, he introduced the Serie R cigars. And so began today's trend for fuller-flavored cigars. The biggest Serie R masterpiece, the No. 7 (7' X 58) is a tribute to Ernesto's late father, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Sr., who founded the family's cigar business in the Little Havana section of Miami in 1968.
La Gloria Serie R received an epic 92-rating from Cigar Aficionado magazine in the April 2010 issue!
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La Gloria Serie R #8
Maduro 7 x 70From $58.95 To $160.50
La Gloria Serie R Pyramid
Natural 6 x 60From $13.00 To $226.95
La Gloria Serie R #3
Natural 4 1/2 x 50From $9.20 To $160.50
La Gloria Serie R #4
Natural 4 3/4 x 52From $10.70 To $186.95
La Gloria Serie R #4
Maduro 4 3/4 x 52From $10.70 To $186.95
La Gloria Serie R #5
Natural 5 1/2 x 54From $11.50 To $201.50
La Gloria Serie R #5
Maduro 5 1/2 x 54From $11.50 To $201.50
La Gloria Serie R #6
Natural 5 7/8 x 60From $13.00 To $226.95
La Gloria Serie R #6
Maduro 5 7/8 x 60From $13.00 To $226.95