Cohiba Riviera Toro – Box Pressed
Cohiba Riviera Toro – Box Pressed
Cohiba Rivera Toro Cigars represent a bold new direction for the respected brand. Introducing a host of new features to delight and tantalize the senses. The biggest is its delectable wrapper.
For the first time in the entire history of Cohiba, a blend is using a glorious Nicaraguan San Andres wrapper. In addition to fertile Nicaraguan Condega filler for the first time.
Joining these firsts is a rich mixture of Honduran Jamastran, Honduran La Entrada, and Nicaraguan Esteli tobacco for its filler. Caped with a soothing Honduran Connecticut binder to even things out.
At six and a half inches, with a fifty two ring gauge, this Toro is a lovely fifty minute smoke.