La Gloria Gloria Extra
La Gloria Gloria Extra
La Gloria Gloria Cigars are the definition of luxury in rolled tobacco, breaking new ground in the realm of luscious, powerful flavor in a smooth package. La Gloria Cigars have long been the choice of distinguished smokers, providing genuine Cuban-inspired taste throughout its rich profile. Utilizing a mouthwatering blend of Nicaraguan, Brazilian, Dominican, and Mexican tobacco, its final bite of toothsome flavor is provided by its wonderful Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper.
Full-bodied in both power and taste, sparking it up releases the mighty flavors of toasted nuts, earth, cedar, and syrupy chocolate. At five and a half inches, with a forty-three ring gauge, LA Gloria Gloria cigars provide delightful fifty-minute smoke. The stick was recently awarded by Cigar Aficionado as #24 on their top 25 for 2022!