



Everyone seeks Asylum. The catchphrase is cheeky, welcoming and a bit ominous, quite fitting for an enticing and gritty brand like Asylum.  What began as a collaboration between Tom Lazuka, Kevin Baxter, and Christian Eiroa, as an attempt to attract a wide array of aficionados, Asylum has gained a reputation as the most innovative brand in the cigar world.
In 2012, Eiora decided to return
to the cigar business with his own company, CLE cigars, which distributes Asylum cigars. His original claim to fame came from Camacho Cigars, which had been purchased by Davidoff. The cigar industry had eagerly awaited Eiora’s return, and the time was ripe for a new take on cigars.
He had the pedigree, having started in the world of tobacco at the young age of just 8 years old, and Eiora had proven his capability as President of Camacho Cigars. But perhaps the skill most important in the growth of his new brand was Eiora’s marketing skills, which were second to none, boosting the brands to have better name recognition than their competitors.
Eiora’s facility in Nicaragua, known as Tabacaleras Unidas, was able to meet the extremely high standards Lazuka and Baxter desired. To date, production of Asylum cigars is split between the factories in Nicaragua and Honduras. The Honduras factory, known as the Aladino Cigar Factory, is unique because it was one of the first tobacco facilities to be certified by Bayer CropScience, which is the agricultural branch of the major pharmaceutical company. The Aladino Cigar Factory was once a movie theater owned by Eiora’s grandfather, and it now produces premium cigars that delight and entertain aficionados worldwide.   
When the work is good the industry takes notice, and Asylum has been receiving rave reviews across the board since the day they launched their first cigars. Based on the success of their larger gauge cigars Asylum has taken the phrase “go big or go home” in a literal sense. They have become leaders in the industry by releasing cigars with rare characteristics such as being sweet-tipped, Insidious, or barrel-aged, Dragon’s Milk.
Asylum asks its customers “What’s your asylum?” They also give you an easy answer, their collection. The purpose of an Asylum cigar is to help you escape the stress of everyday life. The only way to find out if an Asylum cigar is your safe haven is to try one for yourself.
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