Timeless Retreat Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $570.00
MSRP: $570.00

Timeless Retreat Cigar Sampler


Tobacco has always had the incredible ability to make one think. It let’s one contemplate things when they need some time to think. In that spirit, we created the Timeless Retreat Cigar Sampler. The perfect sampler for sitting back and letting your thoughts wander. Relax and let your mind work as you drift on a cloud of top tier flavors. Everyone needs a break every now and again, make it count with our Timeless Retreat Cigar Sampler.

Ferio Tego Timeless Prestige Built from a crop of fertile Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco, and cradled in a naturally dark and rich Honduran wrapper to create a nuanced textured flavor profile. The Timeless Prestige easily lives up to its name, offering a stylized smoke that can only be described as unforgettable. Earning a 92 from Cigar Aficionado, its no wonder why Ferio Tego brought it back to grateful smokers everywhere.

La Aurora 120th Anniversary The blend is monitored and adjusted to ensure peak performance at every level. A high calibre Dominican puro, made with pristine tobacco from the famed Cibao Valley. Harvest by La Aurora and its trusted partners to make sure that the quality is always above and beyond. All rolled in a gorgeous Haban 92' seed leaf wrapper. Any of its vitolas offers the full bodied taste of cocoa, pepper, cinnamon, tropical fruit, and coffee beans. Despite its strong profile, the power of the tobacco never overwhelms the tasting notes. Creating a balance that only generations of blenders could achieve. We look forward to another glorious century of La Aurora.

Hoyo de Monterrey In its own full-bodied way, the Honduran Hoyo de Monterrey is, in the judgment of many, more Cuban in character even than the Cuban Hoyo. Today, the uncompromising style of General Cigar Corp., Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are still made the nineteenth-century way, cured and aged in their own time by the wind and the weather as nature intended. The resulting full-bodied cigars are as deeply satisfying as they are authentically Honduran.

Montecristo Original Montecristo has always been a status symbol and it seems to have sparked a new status symbol in the cigar community again. The Montecristo cigar has a certain respectability from fellow cigar enthusiasts. The structure of a Montecristo stogie is actually very simple. The core of a Montecristo cigar which gives all of its flavor is the filler. the binder, composed of coarse tobacco, holds everything together similar to the corset of a woman, while the wrapper is the outer layer composed of silky leaves, the equivalent of a woman's dress. The good quality of a cigar is frequently noted in the look of the head or cap. This is why Montecristo stogie is one of the most highly valued cigars in the market.

La Gloria Cubana La Gloria started as a little store-front factory in South 8th St. downtown Miami. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Cuban Senator and tobacco grower, fled Cuba in 1959, taking with him the secret of La Gloria Cubana cigars. He began making them in the heart of Little Havana in 1968, where their bold taste made them a local favorite. In 1980, Ernesto Jr. blended a unique combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to make La Gloria Cubana even more full-flavored, full-bodied, and with richer tastes. His efforts paid off, when, in 1992, Cigar Aficionado recognized the superiority of La Gloria Cubana, giving it a 90 rating. Today, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought-after cigars in the world

Montecristo Robusto Natural (5 x 50)

Hoyo De Monterrey Rothschild EMS (4 1/2 x 50)

La Gloria Wavell Natural (5 x 50)

Ferio Tego Timeless Prestige Robusto Natural (4 3/4 x 50)

La Aurora 120th Anniversary Robusto Natural (5 x 50)

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