This sampler is a compilation of the Top 25 Cigars throughout the years. All of them were carefully chosen and will forever leave an impression on every cigar aficionado. Cigars that will never be considered ordinary and will be passed down generation to generation to preserve great stories and memories. The Legacy Top 25 Churchill Cigar Sampler is ready to blow your mind with every puff. Because cigars are so much more than rolled tobacco leaves ready to be smoked, they’re a legacy that unite us, a legacy we must treasure.
Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary The Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary cigar was made to celebrate Rocky's 15 years in the cigar business. Whit a soft, flawless wrapper this cigar is perfectly made. Draw is excellent and this cute cigar produce a large amount of smoke. This Toro Rocky Patel has earthy coffee taste, with notes of sweet floral and spice.
Oliva Serie V Melanio Churchill (7 x 50) The Nicaraguan smoke represents the pinnacle of achievement for Oliva Cigar Co. The Oliva Cigar story began in the late 1800s, when Melanio Oliva started growing cigar tobacco in Cuba. His heirs carried on the family tradition in the fields, but it was his grandson Gilberto Oliva Sr. who began making cigars.
Rocky Patel Decade Perfection takes time. For the Rocky Patel Decade, it’s the perfect blend 10 years in the making. The silky Decade showcases a gorgeous, dark Sumatra wrapper surrounding a secret blend featuring only the finest tobaccos in the world. The result is a rich and toasty medium- to full-body smoking experience. Complexity, balance and elegance earned the Rocky Patel Decade ratings of 91, 92, 93 and 95 points – an instant classic.
Montecristo Nicaragua A Nicaraguan Puro, the Montecristo Nicaragua is a Medium-Full bodied smoke that is full of rich and complex flavors, with the quintessential Nicaragaun spice and a creamy sweetness to boot. While we were blown away with the AJ Cigar Altadis releases, having a release become part of the core lineup is a monumental achievement that has cemented AJ in the pantheon of the greatest cigar creators of all time.
Punch Pita (6 x 50) Punch lives up to its name with a bold, full-bodied taste that appeals to men who follow their own instincts as opposed to following the crowd. The wrapper is a full-flavored leaf grown in Ecuador and the filler is a rich blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. Not a conventional cigar, and probably not the first cigar for a new smoker to try, Punch is the straightforward, no-nonsense cigar it would have taken to bring a smile to the otherwise curmudgeonly face of Mr. Punch himself.
Punch Pita EMS (6 x 50)
Rocky Patel Decade Toro Natural (6 1/2 x 52)
Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary Toro Natural (6 1/2 x 52)
Oliva Serie V Melanio Churchill Natural (7 x 50)
Montecristo Nicaragua Toro NATURAL (6 x 54)