There's an almost indefinable taste that comes to mind when a smoker mentions an old-school Cuban, something that seems lost to time. We've managed to revive that exact taste with The Classic Cuban Cigar Sampler! We had our older experts scour our inventory for cigars that somehow replicated the pre-embargo flavor they cherished. After selecting their favorites, we whittled it down to the five cigars that most embody that distinctive Cuban profile that's practically impossible to find today. You'll feel like your smoking on a beach in Havana with The Classic Cuban Cigar Sampler!
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigars are covered with an oily brown, aromatic Indonesian TBN (shade-grown) wrappers, blended with choice long-filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Brazil and a Dominican binder. With nuances of toasty flavors of aged cedar, nuts, and sweet spice, the cigar is well-balanced and maintains a smooth, medium-bodied smoke from start to finish.
Montecristo Classic Montecristo Classic Cigars are handmade in La Romana, Dominican Republic. A sublime creation from the highest-grade Connecticut Shade wrapper and a combination with the finest Dominican binder and filler. The Montecristo Classic is a medium-bodied cigar featuring a sweet aroma of honey and flowers, with flavorful notes of almonds, butter toffee and vanilla. The Montecristo Classic has the perfect combination of sweetness and boldness for that extra smooth finish. Thought to be one of the top-quality cigars on the market, the Montecristo is blended for the true connoisseur.
Cohiba Cohiba is a medium-bodied cigar featuring a creamy, smooth, flavorful taste quite impossible to forget. Using tobaccos from different countries all over the world including aged Dominican Republic Cuban-seed fillers, exceptional Indonesian binders and spicy African-Cameroon wrappers to create a very rich and complex profile for the flawless blends they produce.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black No 48 Box Pressed La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black No. 48 builds on its predecessors award winning composition to craft an exceptional smoke layered with luxury and beauty. The Serie R black is specially hand crafted to release the hidden flavors in it's remarkable blend of Cuban seed and Nicaraguan fillers, unleashing untold new heights of mouthwatering tastes. It's hearty profile is teamed up with the luscious delights of pepper, earth, coffee, cedar, cream, honey, and spices on every draw.
Punch Pita Punch Pita is a very consistent, flavorful and powerful cigar. Is a magnificent great looking cigar with a dark, beautiful, smooth and oily maduro wrapper. Order now to guarantee today's low price.
Cohiba Churchill Natural (7 x 49)
Montecristo Classic Toro Natural (6 x 52)
Punch Pita EMS (6 x 50)
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill Natural (7 x 50)
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black No 48 Box Pressed - churchill Natural (7 x 48)