Romeo y Julieta 1875
Romeo y Julieta 1875 is a popular household name among cigar enthusiasts. As with other pre-revolution Cuban originated brands, the end of the revolution splintered the brand into two. One produces within Cuba and the other produces non-Cuban cigars with Cuban traditions under the same name.
Romeo y Julieta was awarded several gold medals throughout the late 1800’s at tasting exhibitions. Their logo showcases several gold coins to represent these achievements. In 1903, Pepin Rodriguez Fernandez took ownership of Romeo y Julieta and transformed the cigar industry. Pepin customized cigars for famous customers.
There was one point he had 2,000 custom cigars, including one for Sir Winston Churchill. Thus, the famous Churchill shape, 7” by 47 ring gauge cigar was crafted. After Rodriguez’s passing away and the Cuban Revolution in 1959 the production of Romeo y Julieta was exported to La Romana. In the Dominican Republic.
Production of Romeo y Julieta for American markets continues in this region. Now under the ownership of Altadis USA a branch of Imperial Tobacco. Romeo y Julieta production in Cuba is sourced from the highly acclaimed Vuelta Abajo region.
Special releases started in 1999 all within medium strength range. The brand's factory was once in full production mode, now known as the H. Upmann factory. But has been switched to accommodate tours for tourists and lessons for new torcedores.
Romeo y Julieta is the number one sold cigar brand in Cuba by units. Outside of Cuba Romeo y Julieta is equally in high regards as it is within its land of origin. Especially in the United States.
The brand is a member of the exclusive ProCigar Association. Which sets high standards of quality for Dominican produced premium cigars.
Each 1875 features a crisp mix of Brazilian and Dominican tobacco for its long fillers. Capped with a vibrant Dominican binder, and complimented by a ravishing Dominican wrapper leaf. It's indelible construction has led to consistently high ratings form Cigar Aficionado.
Romeo y Julieta has also been used to bribe the infamous New York Supreme Court Justice, Gerald Garson. Much like the everlasting play it was named after, Romeo y Julieta cigar makers have withstood the test of time. It has created countless love affairs between aficionados, blenders, rollers and their cigars.
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Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Bully
Natural 5 x 50From $10.25 To $166.50
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Belicoso
Natural 6 1/8 x 52From $13.20 To $214.50
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Exhibition No. 3
Natural 6 x 50From $10.95 To $177.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Cedro Deluxe No. 1
Natural 6 1/2 x 44From $11.15 To $180.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Cedro Deluxe No. 2
Natural 5 1/2 x 44From $10.15 To $164.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill
Natural 7 x 50From $11.60 To $188.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill Tubo
Natural 7 x 50From $13.30 To $86.50
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Clemenceau Tubo
Natural 6 x 50From $12.50 To $81.50
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Deluxe No. 2 Glass
Natural 6 x 50From $12.50 To $81.50
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Exhibition No. 1
Natural 8 1/2 x 52From $12.50 To $162.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Julietas 6/10
Natural 4 7/8 x 28From $21.50 To $116.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Minis Mild Blue 20
Natural 2 7/8 x 20From $13.50 To $59.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Minis Aroma Red 20
Natural 2 7/8 x 20From $13.50 To $59.95
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Love Story
Natural 4 1/4 x 46From $9.25 To $140.95