Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Toro
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Toro
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Toro Cigars manage to completely redefine luxury. Even topping its predecessor in premium tastes. That's no small feat considering the original reached all the way to number 2 on Cigar Aficionado's Top 25.
Starting with a superlative crop of prime Nicaraguan tobacco for its blend and binder, its wrapper goes the extra mile. Undergoing a separate extensive round of fermentation, its milk chocolate wrapper is filled to the brim with premium tasting notes.
Lighting it unleashes the medium bodied flavors of espresso beans, spice, cocoa, and sweet cream. At six inches and a fifty five ring gauge, this Toro is a triumphant fifty minute smoke.