Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Grande
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Grande
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Grande Cigars manage to find new heights of flavor from the original award winning blend. The original 1935 Anniversary managed to score a spot on Cigar Aficionados Top 25, and it seems the new blend is sure to follow in its footsteps.
Built out of the finest Nicaraguan tobacco imaginable for its filler, binder, and wrapper. Its wrapper in particular was specially aged and fermented an extra amount to truly complete the new blend. The result is a new galaxy of more medium bodied flavors.
Flavors like cocoa, espresso beans, spice, and sweet cream. At six inches and a sixty ring gauge, the grande is a magnificent hour of pristine smoking.