Even rarer than once in a blue moon, is the illustrious crimson moon. To celebrate its appearance, we put together a ravishing selection of premium smokes that are equally rare and wonderous. Our Crimson Moon Cigar Sampler is as unique and enchanting as the astrological event itself. Creating an incandescent flavor experience tinged with a sense of natural beauty and illumination. Perfect for sitting outside, a cold drink in hand, and watching the cosmos. Take a moment and appreciate all the joy in the world with our Crimson Moon Cigar Sampler!
La Aurora Preferidos Featuring a collection of specially aged wrappers to offer a unique profile for every cigar, distinguished aficionados will find rewarding flavor profiles with subtle nuances in each draw. To achieve its specialized taste, La Aurora Preferidos ages its tobacco in aromatic oak barrels to add the slightest hint of a strong drink to naturally compliment its profile. Every Preferidos is a torpedo vitola to commemorate the very first cigars the company handmade over a century ago. La Aurora Preferidos epitomize expertise and luxury in premium cigars.
Cohiba Red Dot These cigars are the result of five years of intense research and study. The blenders wanted to make a perfect replica of the original Cuban Cohiba, and have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. They crafted a medium-bodied cigar featuring a creamy, smooth, flavorful taste quite impossible to forget. Using aged tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Cuban-seed fillers, exceptional Indonesian binders and spicy African-Cameroon wrappers, creates a rich and complex profile for this flawless beauty.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Romeo y Julieta was awarded several gold medals throughout the late 1800’s at tasting exhibitions. Their logo showcases several gold coins to represent these achievements. In 1903, Pepin Rodriguez Fernandez took ownership of Romeo y Julieta and transformed the cigar industry. Pepin customized cigars for famous customers. There was one point he had 2,000 custom cigars, including one for Sir Winston Churchill. Thus, the famous Churchill shape, 7” by 47 ring gauge cigar was crafted. After Rodriguez’s passing away and the Cuban Revolution in 1959 the production of Romeo y Julieta was exported to La Romana. In the Dominican Republic.
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Fuerte This super-power version of Rocky Patel’s best-seller Sun Grown is made in Honduras with a full flavored blend of Brazilian, Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, all married together via Nicaraguan binder and Ecuador wrapper. The cigar comes in four sizes in the classic Sun Grown box of 20 count wearing the double band in gold and red colors. It is fully aged in cedar vaults smokes slow and sweet with slight notes of toasted almonds butterscotch and cedar.
Camacho Corojo What makes the Camacho Corojo so special is the seeds which are used to create this bold cigar. Back in the 60’s Camacho received a small handful of smuggled Authentic Corojo seeds; they took these seeds and began growing them in the Jamastran Valley of Honduras. A rugged patch of land that had a similar climate to that of Cuba’s famed “Vuelta Abajo” Region. Over the course of the next 40 years, Camacho has learned and perfected growing this Corojo seed, making them one of the last in the world in possession and preserving this crucial element that made the Camacho Corojo so great, but keeping the same traits that made the Cuban cigars and tobaccos famous over the years.
Cohiba Robusto Natural (5 x 49)
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Fuerte Toro Natural (6 x 52)
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Exhibition No. 3 Natural (6 x 50)
Camacho Corojo Churchill Corojo (7 x 48)
La Aurora Preferidos Ruby Maduro Robusto (5 x 50)