Rocky Patel Conviction Toro
Rocky Patel Conviction Toro
Rocky Patel Conviction Toro Cigars sees the mighty brand put its full talent into a single blend. Sparing no expense to bring its glorious flavors to life. Inspired by Patel's time as a lawyer, Conviction manages to impress even before it's tasted.
Each Conviction cigar is blended with prime vintage Nicaraguan tobacco from the famed 2014 harvest for its long fillers and binder. But the true star of the show is its oily Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper. The wrapper is fermented for four years under the traditional Cuban tercios process, where the tobacco is tightly packed into palm bark wrapped bales. This method develops an unmistakable profile tinged with a nuanced medium bodied strength.
Each stick is hand rolled by a team of master cigar rollers, limited to only rolling 250 a day to ensure the highest quality. Sparking up the finished product releases the decadent taste of spiced cedar, sweet cocoa, and syrupy dark chocolate on the draw. At six and a half inches, with a fifty two ring gauge, the Rocky Patel Conviction is a supreme hour of smoking delights.