Nub Nuance Infused 15 Cigar Sampler
Nub Nuance Infused 15 Cigar Sampler
Nub Nuance cigars are the infused cigars crafted by the Oliva family. Formally known as Nub Cafe the assortment of cigars in the sampler are certainly a pick me up. With coffee infused flavors such as Single Roast (formerly Cappuccino): A smooth and creamy smoke with nuances of vanilla bean and notes of cedar. Wrapped in a beautiful golden Connecticut shade wrapper. Double Roast (formerly Macchiato): Creamy nuance of milk chocolate wrapped in lusciously rich Sumatra wrapper. With a sweet finish, & Triple Roast (formerly Espresso): Dark chocolate nuances wrapped a toasty finish combines for a very satisfying smoke wrapped in a decadent Sumatra wrapper. Try it out with your morning cup of joe and thank us later for those massive savings.
Nub Nuance Single Roast 460 Natural (4 x 60)
Nub Nuance Triple Roast 460 NATURAL (4 x 60)
Nub Nuance Double Roast 460 Natural (4 x 60)