Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Big Bull 760
Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Big Bull 760
Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Big Bull 760 Cigars triumphantly bring back the blend that once dazzled the world. Now it's back to reclaim the crown! Recreating the exact mix that once made the name Joya de Nicaragua a phenomenon.
Recreating the same incandescent Nicaraguan tobacco for its joyful profile. Every single aspect of this cigar is pure Nicaraguan. Highlighted by its oily, opulent Criollo wrapper. It all comes together to create the stupendous taste of spice, earth, and syrupy sweetness.
At seven inches and a rotund sixty ring gauge, the Big Bull 760 is nearly two hours of bold, uncompromising smoking pleasure.