Winston Churchill Late Hour Petit Panetela
Winston Churchill Late Hour Petit Panetela
The Winston Churchill Late Hour Petit Panetela cigars strive to deliver the same level of multifaceted greatness as the man for whom it takes its name. Churchill's brilliance, dedication, and stalwart leadership have always been an inspiration for the brand.
To create a cigar in his name, the company went above and beyond. Using a resplendent combination of Nicaraguan tobacco straight from the mineral rich volcanic soil of Condega and Esteli. The Condega tobacco was even aged in single malt whiskey casks to add a peaty sweetness. It's finally capped with a lively Mexican binder and gracefully cradled into a ripe dark chocolate shade Ecuadorian wrapper.
The luscious profile offers the robust tastes of spice, coffee, leather, wood, and caramel. Each Petit Panetela is four inches with a thirty eight ring gauge, offering a decadent thirty minute smoke.