Known to work though the night, Winston Churchill famously whiled away the late hours smoking a cigar. To celebrate his work ethic, and his predilection for cigars, Davidoff has launched the Winston Churchill The Late Hour Cigar. A super-premium line of cigars, The Late Hour is a welcomed medium-full bodied addition to the Davidoff lineup. Building upon the global success of their Winston Churchill line of cigars, Davidoff Cigars tried something new and exciting with The Late Hour. When creating this cigar, Davidoff aged tobacco for 6 months in whiskey casks that were used in the production of Single Malt Scotch, something that had never been done before. The result was an exciting new taste and a rewarding experience that only The Late Hour can provide. A multi-origin blend, comprised of two separate Dominican Visus tobaccos and highlighted by the single malt whisky cask aged Nicaraguan tobacco Scotch, the tobaccos are suffused with an intoxicating complexity, depth, and flavors which combine to create a distinctive atmosphere, stimulating the palate and the conversation at the same time. With an array of flavors that include coffee, leather, wood, spicy pepper, and a touch of caramel sweetness that ties them all together. Keeping with the motif of the darkness that Sir Winston sat in during “The Late Hour” this cigar comes outfitted in a dark Mexican binder and a shiny and oily chocolaty “Habano” Ecuador wrapper. Davidoff’s Winston Churchill The Late Hour is a truly unique smoke that needs to be experienced to understand, give it a shot, you won’t regret it! ...Read More
Davidoff hit a homer with this one. Flavors are deep but with that Davidoff smoothness and refinement.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro
Value not there
Its a great smoke but not at the price. Your paying for brand/name on this one. Better served with Ashton/AJ/Padilla etc. for a premium smoke.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Churchill
This is truly a wonderful smoke, not super strong but enough to be interesting. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro
So Delightful
A truly wonderful smoke. It’s a Davidoff so the draw is effortless and the burn is even. I love the aroma. I had bourbon with it, but it seems to me that it would pair best with an aged rum. It reminded me of Foursquare. Easily a favorite.
ByChris I
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro
Late Hour Churchill
A sophisticated smoke accompanied with the proper cocktail made properly
Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto
I'd already tried the Toro, so ordered these for my brother who declined and returned them to me. His loss! The perfect size for an afternoon smoke while watching the golf tournament. The design results in a very flavorful and enjoyable experience.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro
My investment manager, who also smokes Padron Family Reserves, suggested these and, as usual, he was right on. A strong, complex and satisfying smoke. This size will certainly get your attention in a lasting way. Bring some bourbon for the ultimate experience.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro
Strong but well balanced
These cigars are strong but very well balanced. Like the name implies it is a cigar for after a steak dinner or with a heavy whiskey. Not for novice cigar smokers
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro
The Late Hour
Always been a fan and follower of Winston Churchill and I have to say this Late Hour cigar is one of the best I have smoked. Good from start to finish. Only thing to make it better would be to have smoked one with him. Will continue to have at least one of these in my humidor.
Davidoff celebrates the memory of Mr. Churchill with tobacco that is aged in Scotch single malt whiskey casks to bring out a unique complexity and a depth of balanced flavors. Throughout you'll experience varying layers of black pepper, dark coffee, sweetness, leather, wood and spiciness. You must have one. Do yourself this favor!
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