Davidoff Maduro Short Corona
Davidoff Maduro Short Corona
Davidoff Maduro Short Corona Cigars redefine their whole genre. going to new heights to ensure the best possible tobacco for its incredible blend. Davidoff wanted to make a statement with this line, and one draw will show smokers they succeeded.
Crafted with prime Dominican tobacco for the long fillers. Held firmly together by a zesty Mexican binder. It all comes together with an Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper. The wrapper leaf is a Corte #7, the highest grade tobacco in the entire brand. It's fermented for a full sixteen months to mature the profile then aged for two whole years to bring out its natural flavors.
Flavors such as dried fruit, honey, oak, spice, white pepper, cream, and earth. At four inches and a forty three ring gauge, the short corona is a brilliant twenty five minute smoke.