Davidoff Maduro Cigars
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
it in place is a livewire Mexican binder. But what sets it apart from all others is the supremely decadent Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper. The tobacconists selected a Corte #7 for the wrapper, the highest grade of the tobacco plant used by Davidoff. The wrapper is fermented for a full sixteen months to mature the natural oils before it's aged for an additional two years.
Taken as a whole it's a full bodied masterpiece. The first third is an abiding sweetness, joined by notes of dark chocolate, dried fruit, and nuts. The second third gives way to the taste of honey, oak, and cream. The final third provides a more powerful kick of spice, earth, and zesty white pepper.
A limited production, with twenty cigars in each satin lacquered wooden box. The production will continue only as long as the tobacco lasts, so aficionados who can appreciate mature tastes need to act now to acquire a box!
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Taken as a whole it's a full bodied masterpiece. The first third is an abiding sweetness, joined by notes of dark chocolate, dried fruit, and nuts. The second third gives way to the taste of honey, oak, and cream. The final third provides a more powerful kick of spice, earth, and zesty white pepper.
A limited production, with twenty cigars in each satin lacquered wooden box. The production will continue only as long as the tobacco lasts, so aficionados who can appreciate mature tastes need to act now to acquire a box!
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