This isn't your typical cigar sampler, this one comes with a twist! Our Twisted Cigar Sampler consists of only those smokes that are completely complimentary to each other. Alone they are exceptional, but together they are outstanding! Aficionados will find that when they combine these smokes, the flavors meld together to form an entirely new and wondrous experience. It took out talented tobacconists quite some time to find those cigars that fit together so perfectly, but the results speak for themselves.
H Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage Toro H Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage Toro Cigars are that rare blend of new and old that creates a wholly unique and phenomenal smoke. From the genius mind of AJ Fernandez, and the experienced hands at H Upmann, the heritage is a synergistic mix of flavors. Built using a fertile crop of Cuban seed tobacco from the exclusive AJ Fernandez farm in Nicaragua, and rolled into a triple-fermented Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper. Sparking one up unleashes the powerful tastes of oak, coffee, leather, and tangy kick of spice on every draw. At six inches, and a fifty-four ring gauge, the Heritage is a glorious fifty-minute smoke.
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Toro Master blender AJ Fernandez puts his spin on America’s most beloved cigar to create a new classic in its own right. 100% Nicaraguan, 100% Reserva Real. Blended by Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez and handcrafted at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez in Estelí, Nicaragua. It is more complex and fuller in body than the original Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real made in Dominican Republic, but not too strong. Full yet refined tones of cedar, spice, almond, leather, and more come alive when you light up this latest take on the legendary Romeo label.
Rocky Patel Edge A-10 Toro Rocky Patel Edge A-10. The cigar features a barber-pole style wrapper that pays homage to the brand's beginnings by intertwining the Honduran and Costa Rican wrappers of the original Edge Corojo and Edge Maduro, respectively. Beneath, a Honduran binder can be found with vintage long-fillers from Panama and Nicaragua filling out its core. Refined notes of sweet spice and leather can be found stemming from the maduro wrapper, with hints of black pepper and earth appearing as a result of the Corojo wrapper. Aromas from the shaft smell of sweetness, earthiness, spice, and raisins. The clipped cap and foot give off aromas of strong cedar, earthiness, spice, and sweetness…with just a hint of black cherry.
CAO Flathead V554 Camshaft Bring out the keys to your classic hot rod, because this is the cigar you’ve been waiting for. The CAO Flathead Cigar Collection is inspired by the classic hot rods of the 50’s and 60’s. Now you can truly go back in time and experience the heyday of American Muscle Cars with this cigar collection from CAO. CAO is known for their unconventional packaging methods make them stand out from the pack. The lid is removable and can be used as wall art, resembling an old school engine block from the 50’s and 60’s. Best part is you won’t have to deal with pesky oil leaks and having to grease up, all you need to do is put on your leather jacket, grab a box of Flatheads and head out on the town in your ’51 Chevy Belair.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R #5 Maduro High quality and superb full flavor are telltale characteristics of the Serie R. The No. 5 delivers a full bouquet of leathery cedar smoke with glazed almond sweet flavors. It is rich and robust with solid and consistent body of remarkable cigar that is one of the most popular in the market today.
La Gloria Serie R #5 Maduro (5 1/2 x 54)
CAO Flathead V554 Camshaft Maduro (5 1/2 x 54)
Rocky Patel Edge A-10 Toro Barber Pole (6 x 52)
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Toro Natural (6 x 54)
H Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage Toro Natural (6 x 54)