Rare Vintage Cigar Sampler

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MSRP: $554.50
MSRP: $554.50

Rare Vintage Cigar Sampler


There are everyday cigars, enjoyed with the basic glee that a cigar provides. Yet there are other cigars, those special cigars, that are brought out for occasions beyond the ordinary. These are the rare cigars, the vintage cigars, the cigars that redefine the very notion of premium, and they're all right here. Our Rare Vintage Cigar Sampler is a collection of superb smokes that stand far above all other rolled tobacco, proudly displaying their complex flavor to all who wish to take a draw. When the day comes that you need to do more than celebrate, you need a cigar that makes a statement about the occasion, reach for a stogie from our Rare Vintage Cigar Sampler.

H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon We are proud to bring you this wonderful cigar at a “dirt cheap” price. Rolled with specially aged tobacco, Nicaraguan Corojo and mixed fillers, this flavorful stogie is the forerunner of the Acid brand, introduced 10 years ago and respected by cigar aficionados all over the world. At this price it is a crime to take ‘em out of the box for a sampling offer, you’d rather receive the original, with its colorful packaging, sealed with all the moisture only the original factory boxing facility could provide.

Punch Rare Corojo This precious gem under the Punch brand name is the exclusive and elusive “Rare Corojo ”. They make it only once a year and it is hand made from exclusive tobacco crops that are not available for year-round production and, consequently, are only released around this time of year to the much anticipation of those who already tried this amazing cigar and got hooked.

Partagas This is a medium-to-full in body and featuring a Cameroon wrapper, it greets you with a rich, deep caramelized taste with bright highlights that earns your admiration right away. There’s a toasty aroma which has a hint of spice and the cigar has a medium finish that is fluid and easy.

Saint Luis Rey This cigar has full flavor and aroma through a unique blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian long filler tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder and a dark, rich Nicaraguan or San Andrés Morrón wrapper. It is a bold and full flavored smoke with rich aroma of Cuban coffee, with creamy, smooth nutty, notes.

Cohiba Cohiba Robusto is a medium-bodied cigar featuring a creamy, smooth, flavorful taste quite impossible to forget. Using tobaccos from different countries all over the world including aged Dominican Republic Cuban-seed fillers, exceptional Indonesian binders and spicy African-Cameroon wrappers to create a very rich and complex profile for the flawless blends they produce.

Cohiba Robusto Natural (5 x 49)

Partagas Naturales Natural (5 1/2 x 49)

Punch Rare Corojo Magnum EMS (5 1/4 x 54)

Saint Luis Rey Toro Natural (6 x 50)

H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Toro Tube Natural (6 x 54)

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