Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand. It's the perfect hour for smoking, completely serene without a care in the world. That is exactly why we crafted our Midnight Hour 2.0 Cigar Sampler, a wonderful array of samplers to enjoy during the quiet of the night. Take full advantage of tobacco's introspective properties as you enjoy some truly relaxing tastes. Relish the time you set aside for yourself with our Midnight Hour 2.0 Cigar Sampler!
La Gloria Cubana La Gloria started as a little store-front factory in South 8th St. downtown Miami. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Cuban Senator and tobacco grower, fled Cuba in 1959, taking with him the secret of La Gloria Cubana cigars. He began making them in the heart of Little Havana in 1968, where their bold taste made them a local favorite. In 1980, Ernesto Jr. blended a unique combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to make La Gloria Cubana even more full-flavored, full-bodied, and with richer tastes. His efforts paid off, when, in 1992, Cigar Aficionado recognized the superiority of La Gloria Cubana, giving it a 90 rating. Today, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought-after cigars in the world.
Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling cigars are a refined, curated experience richly delivered to grateful aficionados everywhere on a silver platter. Brought back from the dead by the Ferio Tego label, the Timeless Sterling brings back its balanced profile and elegant construction with aplomb. Built from a blend of inspired Dominican tobacco, some of which has been aged ten years to bring every molecule of flavor to a point of maximum saturation, and rolled into a silky sweet Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper. With a milder profile accented by a vast array of flavors, the Timeless Sterling is the ideal smoke for those who wish to celebrate with grace and class.
Arturo Fuente Don Carlos The Fuente family has built a reputation for their sought-after premium cigars, with each new blend becoming an instant hit. Always full-flavored, Arturo Fuente went to great pains to age the Cameroon tobaccos used for the Don Carlos Cigar Wrappers. That effort was rewarded when Cigar Aficionado awarded Don Carlos the number-one spot for its annual top 25 in 2017. Constructed using a refined blend of impeccable Dominican tobacco, and rolled into a zesty Cameroon wrapper. Building off a balanced medium bodied profile, lighting it offers the rich taste of earth, cedar, oak, espresso beans, and chestnuts. A cigar that feels tailor-made for a special occasion, it's one of the few sticks that pair well with champagne.
Zino Platinum Zino Platinum cigar is a unique line within the trusted Zino brand. Uniquely shaped, Zino Platinum are medium-bodied cigars with a unique blend of Dominican and Peruvian filler, a smooth Connecticut binder and a silky Ecuadorian wrapper. Zesty and sweet, Zino Platinum is a wonderful choice for any cigar lover.
Cohiba Red Dot There's a reason Cohiba has become the most recognized cigar in the world. Since its inception, the very name Cohiba has come to mean excellent tobacco. These cigars are the result of five years of intense research and study. The blenders wanted to make a perfect replica of the original Cuban Cohiba, and have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. They crafted a medium-bodied cigar featuring a creamy, smooth, flavorful taste quite impossible to forget. Using aged tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Cuban-seed fillers, exceptional Indonesian binders and spicy African-Cameroon wrappers, creates a rich and complex profile for this flawless beauty.
Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Double Robusto Natural (5 3/4 x 52)
Cohiba Robusto Natural (5 x 49)
La Gloria Wavell Natural (5 x 50)
Zino Platinum Scepter Grand Master Natural (5 1/2 x 52)
Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling Robusto Natural (4 3/4 x 50)