Raise your lighters, spark up, and salute one of history's greatest leaders with our Churchill's Titan Toast Cigar Sampler. The term Churchill is no mistake, the longest cigars were named for the great Prime Minister who shepherded his nation through its darkest days. Every long smoke commemorates his wise leadership, whose effects are felt to this very day. Only the finest would do for Wisnton, so we loaded this sampler with the top-shelf cigars known for their opulent flavor. Honor the brave with our Churchill's Titan Toast Cigar Sampler!
Gurkha Titan Bursting with personality and flavor, the Gurkha Titan Cigar is another smash hit from the folks at Gurkha. The Titan is another superb medium to full-bodied smoke, at an unbelievably low price. Made from a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, Columbian, and Honduran tobacco, bound in a 5-year old Nicaraguan Binder and finished in a Maduro wrapper hailing from Costa Rica, the Titan is aged in a cedar for a period of 5 years before they are made available for purchase.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Known for its rich body with a spicy tone the Vintage ’92 is made up of Ligero tobacco, which is the top part of the tobacco plant known for its thick and full-bodied leaves. Aged for eight to nine years, the Vintage 1992 Cigar is incredibly smooth, clean and elegant exhibiting some well-balanced character and flavor. Rocky’s expertise in blending tobaccos from various regions requires a greater level of skill and knowledge, not found in other cigars. The result is an intense marriage of flavors that produces a great tasting cigar. Rocky’s process is very time-consuming, going through hundreds of blends before he settles on the perfect blend
Avo Classic Smooth and creamy with notes of pepper, the AVO Classic is most notably balanced and approachable. The delicious mild to medium cigar is crafted from an impressive blend of Dominican fillers and binders and placed in a stunning, Ecuadorian wrapper, is, as Avo says "intended to be enjoyed in joyful moments that lead to everlasting memories". Avo cigars is the brainchild of Avo Uvezian, the acclaimed pianist, who would make the cigars himself to share with his friends. Avo went on to form a partenrship with Henke Kelner to expand Avo's cigar business and they later on sold the Avo line of cigars to Davidoff. With the power of the Cigar titans at Davidoff at the helm, Avo cigars experienced a resurgence, revamping this prestigious cigar line.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black Dark and mysterious, the La Gloria Black features a sharp and impressive Jalapa Tapado Ligero wrapper that may be the darkest leaf on the market. The lusciously dark wrapper envelopes a blend of Esteli and Jalapa grown Cuban-Seed tobaccos that has been fermented for a year before being aged for another two and a half years! Thanks to this level of care, the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black raises the bar in both flavor and strength, with sweet and creamy notes of earthy coffe, spicy pepper, and a sticky-sweet honey finish.
Alec Bradley Magic Toast The inspiration behind the name comes from an experience Alan Rubin, the founder of Alec Bradley, had in a Honduran tobacco field. Rubin was taken aback with the tobacco and was overcome with an almost magical feeling. Then a toast was made in honor of the future of Alec Bradley, thus the name Magic Toast. The tobacco from that field is featured in this unique cigar as well as some premium Nicaraguan tobacco. This cigar delivers a medium to full-bodied smoke with a slight natural sweetness.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Toro Natural (6 1/2 x 52)
Gurkha Titan Toro Maduro (6 1/4 x 56)
Avo Classic #3 - Churchill Natural (7 1/2 x 50)
Alec Bradley Magic Toast Toro Natural (6 x 52)
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black No 48 Box Pressed - Churchill Natural (7 x 48)