The day we honor our nation's bravest heroes has arrived. An occasion this momentous calls for our best cigars in copious quantities. That is exactly why we created our Churchill's Veteran's Day Cigar Sampler. Only the finest long smokes would do when it came to those who fought for this country. As you take a draw of its savory profile, think about the countless men who gave life and limb to preserve our freedoms. We humbly offer our Churchill's Veterans Day Cigar Sampler as a token of our appreciation!
Montecristo Classic The Montecristo Classic is an iconic smoke that strikes a near perfect balance between refreshingly mild and a rush of toasted flavors that saturate and satisfy the palate with each draw. A mild to medium-bodied cigar with a floral aroma with hints of honey, flavorful notes of almonds, butter toffee, vanilla and a long, smooth finish, the Montecristo Classic is the perfect cigar for almost any occasion. With impeccable construction, crafted under the careful watch of master cigarmakers, including Master José Seijas, the widely acclaimed Montecristo Classic presents unparalleled value and would be a perfect, prestigious addition to your humidor.
La Gloria Cubana Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Cuban Senator and tobacco grower, fled Cuba in 1959, taking with him the secret of La Gloria Cubana cigars. He began making them in the heart of Little Havana in 1968, where their bold taste made them a local favorite. In 1980, Ernesto Jr. blended a unique combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to make La Gloria Cubana even more full-flavored, full-bodied, and with richer tastes. His efforts paid off, when, in 1992, Cigar Aficionado recognized the superiority of La Gloria Cubana, giving it a 90 rating. Today, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought-after cigars in the world.
Alec Bradley Connecticut The depth of this smoke belies its Connecticut origin, because it simply possesses so much complexity and flavor. A blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran filler, the Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar is complemented by a silky Ecuadorian wrapper. The unique Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade sports full flavors, with notes of sweet nuts, and a bit of a woody finish. Mild to medium the Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar is full bodied with a medium flavor profile. Full of Honduran and Nicaraguan long-fillers, the creamy and cool flavor the Connecticut produces a highly satisfying mellow to medium-bodied experience.
Camacho Connecticut Connecticut is Camacho's “Utility Cigar”, like a Swiss Army knife. It comes equipped with all the tools needed to satisfy the palette of everyone from the most experienced cigar aficionado to the new kids on the block looking to get their foot in the door with a great tasting, well balanced blend. It’s the cigar that can satisfy anyone, anytime, anywhere. Pair this cigar with your favorite cup of Joe in the morning for that early smooth sensation, or if your coming back from links with a few friends, bust a few of these Camacho Connecticut’s out and pour a few glasses of whiskey for that Friday afternoon delight. It truly can’t get any better than this.
Romeo y Julieta Reserve The Romeo y Julieta Reserve comes in slightly darker boxes, sporting the famous company logo. Unlike the plain Romeo, the Reserve is handmade in Honduras at the Flor de Copan factory by skilled torcedors. It is a full-body cigar, setting a new record for the famous line. The smoke is distinguished by a rich blackberry and elder flower aroma. Paired with notes of walnut, vanilla, molasses, and subtle hints of clove. Finishing it off with a smooth elegant yet creamy smoke, the way only the best Honduran tobacco can create. Indeed, the structure of the reserve is marvelous..
La Gloria Charlemagne Natural (7 1/4 x 54)
Montecristo Classic Churchill Natural (7 x 54)
Romeo Y Julieta Reserve Churchill Natural (7 x 54)
Alec Bradley Connecticut Churchill Natural (7 x 50)
Camacho Connecticut Churchill Natural (7 x 48)