Churchill's Summer Retreat Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $558.50
MSRP: $558.50

Churchill's Summer Retreat Cigar Sampler


Even Winston Churchill needed a break every now and again, especially considering he practically had the weight of the world on his shoulders. His summer retreat was a country house called Chequers, where he was free to relax with his endless collection of premium cigars. In that spirit, we created the Churchill's Summer Retreat Cigar Sampler. You may not be a prime minister protecting the free world from tyranny, but everyone deserves a little retreat from the world now and again. That's why this sampler is loaded with the finest long cigars to provide exceptionally relaxing flavors.

AVO Classic The Davidoff Company is distributing AVO cigars since 1995 and this fact by itself is the ultimate testimony to the quality and attention each cigar in every box receives. The cigars are delicious, full of taste but gentle and creamy in your palate from the special blend of the choicest Dominican filler and binder, to the rich and succulent Connecticut wrapper leaves, each Avo cigar is a work of art.

Montecristo White The Montecristo White Churchill is a monster of a cigar. Its oily, golden Ecuadorian grown Connecticut seed wrapper and Nicaraguan binder cover a balanced filler blend that delivers smooth and consistent medium bodied smoke with outstanding flavors. A deliciously fragrant smoke with silky soft golden skin, creamy flavors and succulent with honey notes of glazed almonds.

Macanudo This royal cigar is mild and aromatic. It is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with select Connecticut shade wrappers that are especially silky. Every cigar smoker should experience the ‘passion’ of a Macanudo Prince Philip.

Romeo Y Julieta Miami Deco Romeo Y Julieta Miami Deco cigars let smoke travel to the past and enjoy the same type of Cuban-inspired smokes our esteemed founder enjoyed in 1950. It took countless attempts and tireless manhours to craft these nostalgic stogies, but the efforts were not in vain. To smoke one is to be transported into the glorious yesteryear, surrounded by the wistful flavors that made Mike Mersel a bonafide aficionado. Built from a evocative crop of gorgeous Nicaraguan tobacco, and wrapped in a crisp, sentimental Connecticut shade wrapper. An absolute must have for any smoker who pines for the classical cigar experience.

Rocky Patel Edge Lite The Rocky Patel Edge was a groundbreaking cigar when it was originally launched. Since then, the Edge received 91 rating by the Cigar Aficionado magazine and became one of Rocky’s most popular cigars. Made together with cigar master, Nestor Plasencia, the Edge is a powerhouse of flavors, wonderfully blended and spicy to boot. With a Piloto-Cuibano Corojo wrapper and long aged filler blend, the edge Toro is cedary sweet with hints of coffee and brown sugar.

Macanudo Prince Philip Cafe (7 1/2 x 49)

Montecristo White Churchill Natural (7 x 54)

Rocky Patel Edge Lite Double Corona Natural (7 1/2 x 52)

Avo Classic #3 - Churchill Natural (7 1/2 x 50)

Romeo y Julieta Miami Deco Churchill Natural (7 x 52)

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