Churchill's Monumental Smokes Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $569.20
MSRP: $569.20

Churchill's Monumental Smokes Cigar Sampler

As we look at the great achievements of engineering in this country, Mount Rushmore, the Hoover Dam, the Statue of Liberty, we can't help but be enormously proud of what we accomplished. We build things in this country, modern marvels that will be celebrated for centuries to come. We want to honor the ongoing spirit of ingenuity in this nation, with our Churchill's Monumental Smokes Cigar Sampler. These colossal cigars may pale in comparison to the mighty monuments scattered across America, but the flavor they provide embodies their impressive stature and majestic nature in every single draw. They may not be five stories high, but these Churchills are as big as we can get them to honor the tremendous accomplishments of this wonderful country.

Montecristo Get an unforgettable smoking experience with Montecristo Churchill cigars. The Montecristo cigar climbed to the top of the world's renowned cigar list, and it continues to get the highest ratings from American consumers. These are massive on taste and pouring quality, the Montecristo is sweet with spicy glazed hazelnuts flavors and Cedar buttery notes; it is a long slow smoke with deliciously creamy smooth finish. Enjoy these as an after dinner smoke!

Macanudo While still achieving the rich status of a Maduro flavor, the Macanudo Maduro is still a mellow smoke. With a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper and Cuban Seed Dominican fillers, this Macanudo is a medium-bodied powerful smoke.

Rocky Patel Edge Lite The Rocky Patel Edge was a groundbreaking cigar when it was originally launched. Since then, the Edge received 91 rating by the Cigar Aficionado magazine and became one of Rocky’s most popular cigars. Made together with cigar master, Nestor Plasencia, the Edge is a powerhouse of flavors, wonderfully blended and spicy to boot. With a Piloto-Cuibano Corojo wrapper and long aged filler blend, the edge Toro is cedary sweet with hints of coffee and brown sugar.

Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real This cigar has a beautiful hand selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper and a Nicaraguan binder leaf. The filler is a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. These ingredients work together to create a rich and aromatic smoke that will satisfy even the most demanding cigar connoisseur.

Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Romeo y Julieta 1875 Churchill. Romeo y Julieta 1875 is the modern reincarnation of one of the most famous Cuban cigars. Originally established in 1875 by Inocencio Alvarez and Mannin Garcia, Romeo y Julieta 1875 is one of the original Cuban cigar lines. Jose "Pepin" Rodriguez Fernandez, who was the former head of the Cabañas factory in Havana, and his firm Rodríguez, Argüelles y Cia bought Romeo y Julieta in 1903. Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigars are now made in the Dominican Republic by Altadis.

Macanudo Prince Philip Cafe (7 1/2 x 49)

Montecristo Churchill Natural (7 x 50)

Rocky Patel Edge Lite Double Corona Natural (7 1/2 x 52)

Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Churchill Natural (7 x 50)

Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill Natural (7 x 50)

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