Arturo Fuente Breva Royal
Arturo Fuente Breva Royal
Arturo Fuente Breva Royal cigars offer amazing quality & price. One of the best bang for the buck cigars. A smooth experience & medium strength perfect for anyone to smoke with a price so low they won't mind handing them out.
Arturo Fuente Breva Royal cigars are the “E pluribus unum” of the cigar world. Taking the components of many to make one great cigar.
Made up of tobacco clippings, or short filler. Collected from some of the best cigars that the Arturo Fuente brand has to offer. The Breva Royal is a melodic symphony of taste in a wonderful little corona.
Representing the culmination of four generations of premium cigar excellence. The Breva Royal brings a true Arturo Fuente cigars experience at an amazingly affordable price point. Made with the same love as they do in the creation of all their award winning cigars. The Breva Royal stands for premium cigars at bargain basement prices.
The blend itself has received superior ratings from the reviewers. Cigar Aficionado gave it a 93 point rating. Complimenting its medium bodied profile and spiced tasting notes.