Arturo Fuente 858
Arturo Fuente 858
Arturo Fuente 858 Cigars have quickly risen to the rare level of a modern classic. Becoming a favorite smoke among many distinguished aficionados. The 858 is one of the main reasons Arturo Fuente has become an acclaimed provider of boutique premium cigars.
Built out of flawless Dominican tobacco for both its binder and filler. All of it rolled into a toothsome Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Sparking one up provides the palate with delightful notes of cedar, spice, and cream. As well as a natural sweetness throughout its flavor profile.
At six inches, and a forty seven ring gauge, the 858 provides a soothing forty minute smoke. It's no wonder the 858 is considered the best of the Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva line.
The experts agree that this blend is stellar beyond measure. Cigar Aficionado awarded the blend a 93 point rating. The reviewer complimented the rich notes of baking spices, molasses, and walnuts.
In many ways, the 858 stands as a crowning achievement for the Arturo Fuente brand. It's continued popularity among high quality cigar smokers is a testament to the talents of the Fuente family.
The story of Arturo Fuente cigars is as varied and impressive as the sticks they produce. Over a century ago, in 1912 the original Arturo was a humble cigar maker. Rolling and blending in his own backyard with his wife.
Even then, the brand stood for quality above all else. Each cigar was done slowly, deliberately. All to ensure that each one reached for greatness. Soon, Arturo passed the company onto his sons, and they did likewise.
A hundred years later, the company is still family owned. To this very day, they uphold the tenants that made them a household name at the turn of the century. Quality above all else. Which is why they are so often selected for cigar of the year.
Just this past year, Cigar Aficionado awarded a Fuente blend the number one spot on their annual Top 25. The Fuente Fuente OpusX Reserva d’Chateau was awarded an unheard of 97 point rating. One of the highest scores in the magazine's entire history!