Get ready for a feast with all the fixings! Our Turkey Dinner Cigar Sampler offers a full buffet of premium blends selected for their abundant tasting notes. Enjoy the full spectrum of rich flavors that cigars have to offer. Curated for their unique and abundantly satisfying profile. Each one is like a three course meal with how much luxurious delights are packed into their blends. Pairs exceptionally well with a neat glass of peaty whiskey. Enjoy the finest the world has to offer with our Turkey Dinner Cigar Sampler!
H Upmann 1844 Classic The H. Upmann 1844 classic evolves the formula with a new blend of ripe Honduran tobacco. From the moment smokers reach for the classic, they’ll be entranced by its aroma of sweet coffee and chocolate. It gets even better when lit up, as the tantalizing tastes of toasted almonds, cocoa, and the right hint of spice gently wash over the palate. These smooth and complex beauty comes in four sizes, and boxes of twenty-five. With its champagne tinted band and simulated wood box, every aspect of the 1844 Classic is designed for smoker’s delight.
Montecristo White The Montecristo White cigar line is made in La Romana, Dominican Republic at Tabacalera de Garcia Ltd. Montecristo White tobacco leaves come from the warm, rich soils of Ecuador. This smoke combines a silky-golden, blonde Ecuadorian wrapper with a hearty Nicaraguan binder leaf and a truly special blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler tobaccos. The Montecristo White cigars have turned out to be an outstanding addition to the Montecristo portfolio. These cigars feature a medium body, which delivers rich taste, with silky notes of roasted almonds and sweet coconuts, earthy, floral fragrance with vanilla and coffee bean flavor, finishing smooth and vibrant while being a remarkable construction. The top quality of a cigar is usually noted in the look of the head or cap, this is why the Montecristo White cigar is one of the most valued cigars in the market. The cigar has climbed to the top of the world's renowned cigar list, and it continues to get the highest ratings from American consumers.
Camacho Connecticut Connecticut is Camacho's “Utility Cigar”, like a Swiss Army knife. It comes equipped with all the tools needed to satisfy the palette of everyone from the most experienced cigar aficionado to the new kids on the block looking to get their foot in the door with a great tasting, well balanced blend. It’s the cigar that can satisfy anyone, anytime, anywhere. Pair this cigar with your favorite cup of Joe in the morning for that early smooth sensation, or if your coming back from links with a few friends, bust a few of these Camacho Connecticut’s out and pour a few glasses of whiskey for that Friday afternoon delight. It truly can’t get any better than this.
Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling cigars are a refined, curated experience richly delivered to grateful aficionados everywhere on a silver platter. Brought back from the dead by the Ferio Tego label, the Timeless Sterling brings back its balanced profile and elegant construction with aplomb. Built from a blend of inspired Dominican tobacco, some of which has been aged ten years to bring every molecule of flavor to a point of maximum saturation, and rolled into a silky sweet Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper. With a milder profile accented by a vast array of flavors, the Timeless Sterling is the ideal smoke for those who wish to celebrate with grace and class.
Macanudo Café Macanudo Cafe cigars are created by using silky and golden US Connecticut Shade wrappers. All of which have been aged for a minimum of 3 years. This results in a smooth and creamy smoke, that is warm and welcoming. These exquisite wrappers are combined with a Mexican binder and a Dominican-Mexican filler blend. The bulk of which comes from the Dominican Republic. Which produces a mild body, yet flavorful cigar that can be enjoyed by everyone. Each draw is filled with mild to medium notes of wood, espresso, brown sugar, and espresso. Which lands softly on the palate. Its gentle profile is why the blend is ideal for newcomers to premium cigars.
Macanudo Hyde Park Cafe (5 1/2 x 49)
Montecristo White Rothchilde Natural (5 x 52)
Camacho Connecticut Robusto Natural (5 x 50)
H Upmann 1844 Classic Toro Natural (6 x 54)
Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling Robusto Natural (4 3/4 x 50)