Top Rated Black Friday Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $806.50
MSRP: $806.50

Top Rated Black Friday Cigar Sampler


The day of deals is here! In addition to outstanding discounts across our whole inventory, we created a special selection for the occasion. You won't believe the blends we put in our Top Rated Black Friday Cigar Sampler! Verified classics along with new creations that have all been critically acclaimed. We're talking real winners from the Top 25 at unbeatable prices! Treat yourself to some of the finest tobacco ever rolled, all thanks to our Top Rated Black Friday Cigar Sampler!

Cohiba Nicaragua This superb cigar has a reddish mocha brown wrapper with a slight oily texture releasing aromas of rich chocolate, black pepper, and leather. This is a rich, complex, nutty, and savory cigar with plenty of creamy smoke released. Jhonys Diaz, Vice President of Operations of General Cigar says, "It was a laborious process to develop a Nicaraguan cigar to complement the existing Cohiba portfolio. This cigar is layered and sophisticated. It delivers the complexity and strength of Nicaragua, with a bold and balanced flavor not achieved by any Nicaraguan puro on the market." The Cohiba Nicaragua is blended using with exquisite hand-selected leaves from Esteli and Jalapa making it a medium-full bodied cigar. The first puff to the last, the Cohiba Nicaragua is an excellent smoke that is well-balanced and has complex flavors making it a wonderful smoking experience.

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua, after years of anticipation, has finally arrived. Montecristo is proud to unveil the most premium cigar yet. Aged longer than any other tobacco they’ve produced, the 1935 sets a new benchmark for the entire brand. Montecristo has taken everything they’ve learned since they rolled their first cigar, and put it into the 1935. Smoking one, you can taste the decades long legacy of craftsmanship and dedication that has made Montecristo synonymous with excellent cigars.

Gurkha Titan Bursting with personality and flavor, the Gurkha Titan Cigar is another smash hit from the folks at Gurkha. The Titan is another superb medium to full-bodied smoke, at an unbelievably low price. Made from a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, Columbian, and Honduran tobacco, bound in a 5-year old Nicaraguan Binder and finished in a Maduro wrapper hailing from Costa Rica, the Titan is aged in a cedar for a period of 5 years before they are made available for purchase.

Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua cigars are Nicaraguan Puros blended by Rafael Nodal & crafted in Nicaragua at AJ Fernandez factory. When Rafael Nodal teamed up with the makers of Montecristo and Romeo Y Julieta we knew only great things would happen, and this cigar is a testament to that! Rafael Nodal has been able to work with many different cigar makers since he teamed up with Altadis USA. Unlocking his potential and the potential of cigar makers like AJ Fernandez and the Placencia family. The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua is blended with only Nicaraguan tobacco which gives this cigar the title of a Nicaraguan Puro. This type of blend would indicate that is going to be a medium to full bodied cigar that offer tons of flavor and creates spicyness and zestfulness on the palate.

Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro defiantly another hit by the brand is crafted and hand made in the boutique factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, finished off with a triple cap and then finished off with a gorgeous broadleaf. Sun Grown tobacco used in the blend has created a full flavor and strength profile in the cigar and with exceptional complexity as well. Using a maduro broadleaf to finish off the cigar ensures that you are getting something with great strength and complex flavor also with bit of sweetness as well.

Gurkha Titan Toro Maduro (6 1/4 x 56)

Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto Maduro (5 x 50)

Cohiba Nicaragua N50 Natural (5 x 50)

Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro – Torpedo Natural (6 x 52)

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 Natural (6 1/8 x 52)

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