The game is on, and it’s time to call the shots with The Playmaker Cigar Sampler! This lineup of premium cigars is built for those who thrive under pressure and know how to seize the moment. Each selection was handpicked for its bold flavor, smooth performance, and ability to elevate any occasion. Whether you're strategizing your next move or celebrating a well-earned victory, these cigars bring their A-game every time. Take control, set the pace, and enjoy the thrill of the perfect smoke. Make your play with The Playmaker Cigar Sampler!
Avo Syncro Caribe Avo Uvezian himself journeyed to the Dominican Republic when he started his own Cigar label, drawn to the natural flavor that island-grown tobacco offers. After an exhaustive two-year search AVO found the right tobacco to begin his enterprise, and the rest is history. Avo's intuition for the islands has led to Syncro Caribe, a celebration of Caribbean cigars with a touch of Central American to add to the taste.
Arturo Fuente Hemingway The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Series cigars are among the most exclusive premium handmade cigars available today. To recreate this "perfecto" shaped line of cigars, Carlos Fuente Sr. and his father, Don Carlos, returned to their roots in Ybor City, Florida, . looking for molds like those that had been used in the early decades of the 20th century to make the popular "Arturo Fuente Fancy Tales" cigars.
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro defiantly another hit by the brand is crafted and hand made in the boutique factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, finished off with a triple cap and then finished off with a gorgeous broadleaf. Sun Grown tobacco used in the blend has created a full flavor and strength profile in the cigar and with exceptional complexity as well. Using a maduro broadleaf to finish off the cigar ensures that you are getting something with great strength and complex flavor also with bit of sweetness as well.
Partagas Black Label Partagas Black Label cigars are the culmination of ten years spent getting the Medio Tiempo wrapper and La Vega Especial binder perfect. The Cuban seed Medio Tiempo wrapper is dark, oily and aromatic to give Partagas Black Label cigars their unique flavor. The La Vega Especial binder is Dominican Republic grown to give it a deep, rich flavor. Partagas Black Label cigars are further enhanced with a mixture of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto Cubano Ligero fillers to give it a full body. Partagas Black Label Cigars are called the best of the best in Maduro.
Camacho Nicaragua Some things just can’t be tamed! They’re made with the volume knob cranked all the way UP! The pedal grinding against steel. That is is the full-frontal flavor of Camacho Nicaragua! Camacho, who pride themselves on offering bold and flavorful smokes, worked with the team at Flor de Caña in Nicaragua to make this “powerful new blend that invites aficionados around the globe to stare down the barrel of Nicaragua’s true spirit.”
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Work Of Art Natural (4 7/8 x 46-60)
Partagas Black Label Bravo Maduro (4 1/2 x 54)
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto Maduro (5 x 50)
Camacho Nicaragua Robusto Natural (5 x 52)
Avo Syncro Caribe Robusto Natural (5 x 50)