The Beginner's Cigar Companion Compilation With Cutter
The Beginner’s Cigar Companion Compilation includes 10 flavorful cigars in an exclusive package together with a snip cigar cutter especially assembled for the new cigar aficionado. These ten cigars were carefully selected for their milder taste and soft aroma. Each cigar represent a unique tobacco region and all together they bring in the entire spectrum and richness of the cigar universe.
1. Pursico Negro Robusto
2. Identity Single Print Robusto
3. Dominican Casino Torpedo
4. Royal Crown Azul Corona Especial
5. Eureka Robusto Negra
6. Originales Crown Epicure Plus
7. Yacht Master Churchill
8. San Juan Esplendidos
9. Eureka Churchill
10. Uncle Bob’s Cigar
11. Mike’s cigars cutter
12. Mikes Water Pillow
1. Pursico Negro Robusto
2. Identity Single Print Robusto
3. Dominican Casino Torpedo
4. Royal Crown Azul Corona Especial
5. Eureka Robusto Negra
6. Originales Crown Epicure Plus
7. Yacht Master Churchill
8. San Juan Esplendidos
9. Eureka Churchill
10. Uncle Bob’s Cigar
11. Mike’s cigars cutter
12. Mikes Water Pillow
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