Take hold and prepare to battle the fearsome Frost Dragon! Your weapon? Five phenomenal smokes from our Frost Dragon Cigar Sampler! Chosen with care to warm the senses and soothe the nerves. Each one stands ready to quickly chase away the Winter blues. Taken all together, it's a recipe for a rip roaring good time. Stock up and ride out the chilly season with some of the best blends on the planet thanks to our Frost Dragon Cigar Sampler!
La Aurora Preferidos La Aurora Preferidos Cigars are a testament to the idea that variety is the spice of life, offering a wide selection of decadent and delectable tobacco. With over a hundred years of cigar-making experience under its belt, La Aurora has reached its pinnacle with the Preferidos line. Featuring a collection of specially aged wrappers to offer a unique profile for every cigar, distinguished aficionados will find rewarding flavor profiles with subtle nuances in each draw.
Cohiba Red Dot There's a reason Cohiba has become the most recognized cigar in the world. Since its inception, the very name Cohiba has come to mean excellent tobacco. These cigars are the result of five years of intense research and study. The blenders wanted to make a perfect replica of the original Cuban Cohiba, and have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.
Oliva Serie V Oliva Serie V Cigars are perhaps the most lavish blends of tobacco ever rolled, combining exceptionally smooth flavors with a powerful profile. Every single Serie V cigar is built from a magnificent crop of aged Nicaraguan Ligero from the Jalapa Valley and rolled gracefully into an illustrious Ecuadorian Habano Sun Grown wrapper.
Romeo by Romeo y Julieta The Romeo by Romeo y Julieta is the true trend setter, a generation ahead of the rest. Making quality cigars takes years of practice and patience, and the Romeo by Romeo y Julieta shows the result of the patience with their #3 cigar of the year award in Cigar Aficionado’s 2012 list. To make this cigar stand out, Altadis added a new twist to a classic love story to create a bold and robust cigar unlike any that had been experienced before.
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Maduro Ferio Tego Metropolitan Maduro cigars have been a steadfast presence in the tobacco world for over a century, providing rich, vibrant flavors along the way. One hundred years ago, a small little shop in the bustling city of New York started selling cigars. One shop soon became two, to three, to a beloved brand across the nation. To celebrate that storied heritage, they crafted the Metropolitan Maduro.
Cohiba Robusto Natural (5 x 49)
Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Natural (5 x 54)
Romeo By Romeo Y Julieta Robusto Natural (5 x 54)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Maduro Union – Robusto (4 1/2 x 50)
La Aurora Preferidos Ruby Maduro Robusto (5 x 50)