Cuban Connection Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $94.00
MSRP: $94.00

Cuban Connection Cigar Sampler

The times are changing and progression to full relations for Cuba and the U.S are on the horizon! The U.S and Cuba have been in talks for some time hammering out details and political issues in order to establish a relationship. Using a Cuban connection they have been able to take 50 years of bad relationships and turn it in to a working progress of progression. In celebration of it we have created the Cuban Connection Sampler that will have you smoking as if you were a part of the discussions on such an important historical event that had recently took place!!

1. Havana Special Robusto
2. Carib Zen Toro
3. Commando Robusto
4. Cuban Sandwich Creama
5. Casa De Garcia Royal Corona
6. Mr.B Corona Extra
7. El Rey Verde Robusto Plus
8. Cuba’s Lusitania 550
9. Nicaragua’s Toro Extra
10. Senor Blanco Corona Especial
11. Mikes Cigars Water Pillow
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