Padron 1964 Anniversary Hermoso - Short Robusto
Padron 1964 Anniversary Hermoso - Short Robusto
The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series cigars feature sun-grown wrappers and contain Nicaraguan tobacco aged for four years. Possibly one of the best tasting full-bodied cigars, in maduro wrapper it’s a dark smoke with a perfect draw that layers the palate with copious amounts of complex flavors including nuts, toast, leather and wood with a sweet hint of raisins on the finish.
These cigars come box-pressed in the Cuban tradition and feature a special double band individually numbered to guarantee authenticity. The Padron 1964 Anniversary cigar series is consistently highly ranked by the experts. You will enjoy a smooth, complex flavor steeped in aged tradition with the Padron legacy. The Padron cigar company insists that when the name Padron is on the label, it is a matter of family honor.
Padron 1964 Anniversary Hermoso Maduro received an outstanding 93-rating from Cigar Aficionado magazine in the December 2016 issue!