Montecristo Miami Deco No. 2 Belicoso
Montecristo Miami Deco No. 2 Belicoso
Montecristo Miami Deco No. 2 Belicoso Cigars continue the enduring legacy of our founder, Mike Mersel. Recreating the same smokes that inspired him. Mersel's love for premium tobacco built this company, and were honored to bring back the kind of cigar he favored.
Built out of a nostalgic crop of heartfelt Nicaraguan tobacco for every single aspect of the profile. All aged, fermented, and blended to reach their full flavor potential. The result is a supremely consistent and abundantly rewarding tasting experience.
Spark it up and enjoy that quintessential, medium to full bodied, toasted tobacco flavor of yesteryear. At six and one eight inches, with a fifty two ring gauge, this Belicoso is a ravenous hour long smoke.