Macanudo Inspirado Red
Made in Nicaragua, the Inspirado Red utilizes a variety of carefully aged Nicaraguan Tobacco in the filler, including a 12-year aged Ometepe and a 5-year aged Esteli, and paired it with a rich and dreamy 10-year aged Honduran Jamastran leaf all bound in a hearty Nicaraguan Jalapa binder. But the hero of the cigar, balancing the full-frontal spice of the Nicaraguan tobaccos, is the Ecuadorian Habano Wrapper that perfectly complements and balances the smoke.
Like a symphony, all the parts of this cigar come together to create a perfectly balanced and truly enjoyable smoke that is the perfect way to take the edge off at the end of a long day.
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Macanudo Inspirado Red Robusto
Natural 5 x 50From $9.40 To $130.95
Macanudo Inspirado Red Toro
Natural 6 x 50From $10.00 To $138.95
Macanudo Inspirado Red Gigante
Natural 6 x 60From $10.55 To $146.95
Macanudo Inspirado Red Minis
Natural 3 x 20From $12.95 To $56.95