Don Tomas
Cigar Company.
Each cigar by Don Tomás is still handcrafted in Honduras as it was from the beginning. Don Tomás was ranked several times at a 90 and above by Cigar Aficionado, consistently hovering near the 90 rating, and has also made Cigar Aficionado’s list of 25 best cigars in 2006.
Cigars by Don Tomás are a perfect addition to any humidor. With a smooth delivery of rich, complex flavors, a Don Tomás would be just as well enjoyed as an everyday accompaniment to a fine cup of coffee, as it would be a great stick to commemorate that special celebration.
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Each cigar by Don Tomás is still handcrafted in Honduras as it was from the beginning. Don Tomás was ranked several times at a 90 and above by Cigar Aficionado, consistently hovering near the 90 rating, and has also made Cigar Aficionado’s list of 25 best cigars in 2006.
Cigars by Don Tomás are a perfect addition to any humidor. With a smooth delivery of rich, complex flavors, a Don Tomás would be just as well enjoyed as an everyday accompaniment to a fine cup of coffee, as it would be a great stick to commemorate that special celebration.
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