Santa's Sleigh Ride Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $802.50
MSRP: $802.50

Santa's Sleigh Ride Cigar Sampler


Hop on board for a journey through premium flavor with the Santa's Sleigh Ride Cigar Sampler! Loaded with presents for all the good smokers out there. This sleigh ride is punctuated by draws on some of the finest stogies ever rolled. Joyously sharing a melody of prime tastes, designed to enchant and delight the senses. An ideal choice for any holiday gathering or a wonderful gift for that special someone with a passion for cigars. Have a merry Christmas with Santa's Sleigh Ride Cigar Sampler!

Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill Romeo y Julieta 1875 is a popular household name among cigar enthusiasts. As with other pre-revolution Cuban originated brands, the end of the revolution splintered the brand into two. One produces within Cuba and the other produces non-Cuban cigars with Cuban traditions under the same name. Romeo y Julieta was awarded several gold medals throughout the late 1800’s at tasting exhibitions. Their logo showcases several gold coins to represent these achievements. In 1903, Pepin Rodriguez Fernandez took ownership of Romeo y Julieta and transformed the cigar industry. Pepin customized cigars for famous customers.

La Aurora Preferidos La Aurora Preferidos Cigars are a testament to the idea that variety is the spice of life, offering a wide selection of decadent and delectable tobacco. With over a hundred years of cigar-making experience under its belt, La Aurora has reached its pinnacle with the Preferidos line. Featuring a collection of specially aged wrappers to offer a unique profile for every cigar, distinguished aficionados will find rewarding flavor profiles with subtle nuances in each draw. To achieve its specialized taste, La Aurora Preferidos ages its tobacco in aromatic oak barrels to add the slightest hint of a strong drink to naturally compliment its profile. Every Preferidos is a torpedo vitola to commemorate the very first cigars the company handmade over a century ago. La Aurora Preferidos epitomize expertise and luxury in premium cigars.

Cohiba Red Dot There's a reason Cohiba has become the most recognized cigar in the world. Since its inception, the very name Cohiba has come to mean excellent tobacco. These cigars are the result of five years of intense research and study. The blenders wanted to make a perfect replica of the original Cuban Cohiba, and have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. They crafted a medium-bodied cigar featuring a creamy, smooth, flavorful taste quite impossible to forget. Using aged tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Cuban-seed fillers, exceptional Indonesian binders and spicy African-Cameroon wrappers, creates a rich and complex profile for this flawless beauty.

Rocky Patel Edge Corojo The Rocky Patel Edge Corojo, a cigar that has been imitated but never duplicated. This powerful, extra-full-bodied cigar introduced in 2004, is offered with a choice of a Corojo or Maduro wrapper. As soon as the cigar was released the Edge was a huge hit and success becoming one of the hottest selling cigars in the country. Lots of body, lots of richness and pepper and spices that end with a great sweet finish. The value can’t be beat. There is not another cigar in the marketplace that tastes and delivers the flavor and the aroma of The Edge. For professional smokers only, it will provide you with unrivaled smoking experience you never had before. The flavor is accented with exotic scents which will leave the seasoned smoker weak in the knees without a harsh finish.

Camacho Corojo They have taken the appropriate steps to recreate one of its most revered cigars and giving it a new legend to tell. The Camacho Corojo has been the cigar that has stayed truest to its vintage Cuban counterpart in its heyday. The Camacho line has taken the Corojo and dialed up its already rich, robust flavors, amping up intensity, making it a great full bodied blend. This bold cigar has been built with a high-grade wrapper leaf and grown with a seed that has been in a constant state of perfection for the past 40 years. The Filler tobaccos are a 3 times primed authentic Corojo, wrapped with an authentic Corojo (5th primed) wrapper and of course using an authentic Corojo binder.

Cohiba Robusto Natural (5 x 49)

Rocky Patel Edge Corojo Toro Natural (6 x 52)

Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill Natural (7 x 50)

Camacho Corojo Churchill Corojo (7 x 48)

La Aurora Preferidos Gold Corojo No. 1 (6 x 58)

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