I’m sure you’ve met (or you may even be one of them) a coffee connoisseur who refuses anything other than black coffee. Many aficionados share that same attitude because they know what they want! No flavors, no flair, no frill, basically no bull****! Just straight pure premium long filler tobacco. Essentially only top-notch premium cigars will do. The cigars included in the I Like My Coffee Black sampler were chosen based on the high quality, excellence and intensity that only a black label cigars can offer. Like the Macanudo Inspirado Black which has been expertly blended using specially cured premium tobacco and delivers a delectable peppery flavor and notes of sweet earth with graceful strength. Get what you want but don’t pay full price with our robust cigar sampler.
Partagas Black Label Clasico (5 1/4 x 54) Grown in the subtropical climate of Cameroon on the west coast of Africa, Partagas wrappers are unequaled in their rich flavor. To complement their special character, the binders are grown in the famed San Andres Valley of Mexico. The flavorful blend consists of select tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic and Mexico.
Cohiba Nicaragua N50 (5 x 50) Cohiba Nicaragua is the first Nicaraguan cigar released by Cohiba which General Cigar Co. is proud to release. The Cohiba Nicaragua uses Nicaragua tobacco for the binder and filler and a Honduran Jamastran Colorado oscuro wrapper that was rolled at company's Nicaraguan factory. This superb cigar has a reddish mocha brown wrapper with a slight oily texture releasing aromas of rich chocolate, black pepper, and leather. This is a rich, complex, nutty, and savory cigar with plenty of creamy smoke released. Jhonys Diaz, Vice President of Operations of General Cigar says, "It was a laborious process to develop a Nicaraguan cigar to complement the existing Cohiba portfolio.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli Gordo (6 x 60) La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli is a large ring-gauge cigar handcrafted in Nicaragua that exhibits a complex aging technique. Features Jalapa Sol wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and filler. The outcome is a full bodied that delivers notes of cocoa, spices and pepper shine, with a natural sweetness and earthy finish. This cigar burns slowly and evenly giving you the opportunity to taste the complexity of the tobacco.
Romeo y Julieta Aniversario Toro (6 x 54) is a unique version of the old tried and tested Romeo y Julieta classic flavorful blend. This rich and bold cigar is wrapped with select Ecuadorian Habano seed wrapper and blended with Dominican Olor to create an outrageously flavored super-premium smoke. It is so rare that right now you can only find it at Mike’s Cigars and once you try just one you will be hooked forever.
Macanudo Inspirado Black Robusto (4 7/8 x 48) The Macanudo Inspirado Black brings a new and dark look to Macanudo. It uses some of the most unique and exclusive tobaccos currently available in the market. This full-bodied blend is handmade with Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Dominican tobacco fillers and are held together by a Vega Especial binder from the Dominican Republic. It is covered by a rich and oily sungrown Habano Connecticut wrapper from the sandy and rich soil of the alluvial floodplan of the Connecticut River in Connecticut, USA.
Partagas Black Label Clasico Maduro (5 1/4 x 54)
Romeo Y Julieta Aniversario Toro Natural (6 x 54)
Macanudo Inspirado Black Robusto NATURAL (4 7/8 x 48)
Cohiba Nicaragua N50 Natural (5 x 50)
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli Maduro No. 60 - gordo Maduro (6 x 60)