Hidden Treasure Cigar Sampler

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MSRP: $592.00
MSRP: $592.00

Hidden Treasure Cigar Sampler


We searched far and wide across the entire tobacco world to put together our Hidden Treasure Cigar Sampler! There are always those cigars that dominate the spotlight, but what about the cigars that quietly manage excellence. Those unsung heroes that manage to beat the odds to create unbridled success with little resources. We found a whole batch of those hidden gems that have proven themselves to be outstanding in their field. Get them before they're famous from our Hidden Treasure Cigar Sampler!

Oliva Serie V Oliva Serie V Cigars offer a classical luxury experience, tinged with all the decadent trademarks and tastes of a premium quality cigar. The secret to its sucess lies in its radiant blend of strong Nicaraguan tobacco from the fertile fields of the Jalpa Valley. Once aged and blended, its all carefully rolled into a luscious Ecuadorian Sun Grown Habano wrappper to balance out its profile. Sparking it up brings the resplendent tastes of chocolate, coffee, leather, cedar, and mixed nuts.

Montecristo Nicaragua How popular were the AJ Fernandez variation series of cigars? So popular that Altadis tapped AJ to create a staple cigar to add to their core lineup! The Montecristo Nicaragua, released in 2018, joins the ranks of the Classic, White, Platinum and Original cigars as the core offering of the Montecristo lineup of cigars. A Nicaraguan Puro, the Montecristo Nicaragua is a Medium-Full bodied smoke that is full of rich and complex flavors, with the quintessential Nicaragaun spice and a creamy sweetness to boot. While we were blown away with the AJ Cigar Altadis releases, having a release become part of the core lineup is a monumental achievement that has cemented AJ in the pantheon of the greatest cigar creators of all time.

Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Rocky Patel Sun Grown is an exceptionally full strength and flavor cigar that has been crafted using sun grown tobaccos and finished with a gorgeous maduro broadleaf offering a complexity and flavor that you can only get with such a combination of tobaccos. Perfect for anytime as long as you can handle the strength!

San Cristobal Quintessence San Cristobal Quintessence Churchill cigars take an astonishing, award-winning blend and manage to make it even bigger, better, and abundantly luscious. Blended by master cigar maker Jose Garcia, each Quintessence Churchill is hand-rolled in Garcia's renowned factory in Esteli, Nicaragua; utilizing only the finest Nicaraguan tobacco and rolled in a savory Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Taking a draw upon a Quintessence illuminates the palate with sweet notes of molasses, coffee, black pepper, and a symphony of spices. Tempering it is the taste of dried fruit, sugarcane, and spiced figs. It's no wonder the Quintessence took home #1 cigar of the year upon its debut back in 2016.

Alec Bradley Prensado Handcrafted at the Alec Bradley facility in Danli, Honduras, the Prensado is an expert blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran long filler, a Nicaraguan Jalapa binder, and finished with a special “Trojes” Corojo 2006 wrapper. This robust, savory combination creates a complex flavor featuring hints of coffee, chocolate and spice. The company noted: "The Alec Bradley Prensado is as gorgeous a cigar as you’ll ever see, with a picture-perfect head and a stunning wrapper. But it is the flavor that makes it a classic. The Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos come together to create leather, chocolate and spice notes, and a long, lush finish."

Alec Bradley Prensado Churchill Natural (7 x 48)

Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Natural (5 x 54)

Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Toro Maduro (6 1/2 x 52)

Montecristo Nicaragua Toro NATURAL (6 x 54)

San Cristobal Quintessence Churchill Natural (7 x 49)

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