Big Ring Stuffing Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $598.50
MSRP: $598.50

Big Ring Stuffing Cigar Sampler


Bigger is better. That truth is universal when it comes to meals and premium tobacco. In that spirit, we put together our Big Ring Stuffing Cigar Sampler! These smokes are packed to the rafters with high end, luxurious flavor. If that wasn't enough, as big rings they managed to contain even more of their delectable premium blend per inch. This fantastic array of large gauged sticks provides hours upon hours of smoking delight, perfect for any holidays or special occasions. Live bigger and bolder with our Big Ring Stuffing Cigar Sampler!

Montecristo Miami Deco Montecristo Miami Deco Cigars beautifully bring the past to life through a series of relaxing, classically inspired flavors that once inspired our own founder. Mike Mersel was informally known as "the cigar man", for his love of Cuban inspired smokes. Mike's love of premium tobacco soon blossomed into a thriving business, and here we are today because of his passion. We strived to make the Miami Deco the same type of classic style cigar Mike would be proud of while preserving the relaxing quality of a fine Montecristo. The results speak for themselves, as every inch of this Nicaraguan puro radiates with nostalgic flavor.

Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua The Tempus Nicaragua is a Nicaraguan Puro with a double binder that is handmade using premium tobacco that is in the same class as the “94 rated” tempus! Finished in a choice Jalapa wrapper that encases the Ligero & Viso from the world-renowned growing regions of Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa! This cigar is sure going to be a great smoke especially if you’re an Alec Bradley or Nicaraguan tobacco fan!

Romeo y Julieta Miami Deco Romeo y Julieta Miami Deco cigars let smoke travel to the past and enjoy the same type of Cuban-inspired smokes our esteemed founder enjoyed in 1950. It took countless attempts and tireless manhours to craft these nostalgic stogies, but the efforts were not in vain. To smoke one is to be transported into the glorious yesteryear, surrounded by the wistful flavors that made Mike Mersel a bonafide aficionado. Built from a evocative crop of gorgeous Nicaraguan tobacco, and wrapped in a crisp, sentimental Connecticut shade wrapper. An absolute must have for any smoker who pines for the classical cigar experience.

Avo Syncro Nicaragua In the second third the cigar becomes smoother, from being peppery and spicy to creamy with complex wooden, sweet and floral flavours followed by rich aromas. There is a cheerful harmony between the Nicaraguan and the Dominican Mejorado tobaccos that are tamed by the creaminess of the Ecuadorian-grown wrapper. This combination creates an unexpected, yet accomplished harmony and taste, stimulating the Nicaraguan and Dominican taste experiences at the same time. A multilayered, complex and voluminous cigar that stays enjoyable and interesting from the first moment of enjoyment until the last.

H Upmann Miami Deco H Upmann Miami Deco Cigars are a window into the glorious tobacco of yesterday, a celebration of the inspiring smokes from those hallowed glory days. Back in 1950, a man by the name of Mike Mersel was known to enjoy cigars on the sunny shores of Miami Beach. He loved his Cuban seed cigars so much, he began selling them; and the rest is history. We strived to make the H Upmann Miami Deco cigars exactly like the Cuban-style smokes Mike was known to love. Using only premium Nicaraguan tobacco in its blend, and a luscious Habano wrapper, we've managed to capture that elusive flavor that inspired Mike and millions of other smokers.

Avo Syncro Nicaragua Special Toro - Box Pressed Natural (6 x 60)

Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua Magnus-gordo Natural (6 x 60)

H Upmann Miami Deco Magnum Natural (6 x 60)

Romeo y Julieta Miami Deco Magnum Natural (6 x 60)

Montecristo Miami Deco Magnum Natural (6 x 60)

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