Churchill's March Madness Cigar Sampler

MSRP: $827.50
MSRP: $827.50

Churchill's March Madness Cigar Sampler


Five cigars step onto the court, ready to battle for the title. These premium smokes are like star players, each boasting impeccable flavor and construction, ready to hoop it out for the championship. But only one can be crowned the undisputed MVP. Take a puff from all five and let your taste buds call the shots. It's going to be a nail-biting game, but your palate will determine the winner of our Churchill's March Madness Cigar Sampler! Game on!

Rocky Patel Edge Lite The Rocky Patel Edge Lite is a powerful cigar introduced in 2004. It is offered with a choice of Corojo or Maduro wrapper. This mild to medium bodied cigar is a toned down version of ‘The Edge’. Smooth & creamy with a nutty core accompanied with a hint of sweetness.

Oliva Master Blends 3 Oliva Master Blends 3 is the third offering in a series of limited artisanal blends. Liga Maestra is specifically blended to deliver the richest characteristics of Nicaraguan ligero fillers and Broadleaf sun-grown wrappers. This is the third time that the Oliva family is able to harvest extraordinary tobacco crops, allowing the production of a very special issue of cigars which do not come every year.

Montecristo Classic The Montecristo Classic is an iconic smoke that strikes a near perfect balance between refreshingly mild and a rush of toasted flavors that saturate and satisfy the palate with each draw. A mild to medium-bodied cigar with a floral aroma with hints of honey, flavorful notes of almonds, butter toffee, vanilla and a long, smooth finish, the Montecristo Classic is the perfect cigar for almost any occasion.

Cohiba Red Dot There's a reason Cohiba has become the most recognized cigar in the world. Since its inception, the very name Cohiba has come to mean excellent tobacco. These cigars are the result of five years of intense research and study. The blenders wanted to make a perfect replica of the original Cuban Cohiba, and have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

Macanudo Macanudo Café cigars have been amusing well-heeled cigar aficionado for over five decades, they have also become a notably intriguing and pleasant choice for the “new smoker” generation. The mild mannered Macanudo Café cigar is a wonderful way to welcome novice smokers to the Macanudo family.

Cohiba Churchill Natural (7 x 49)

Macanudo Prince Philip Cafe (7 1/2 x 49)

Montecristo Classic Churchill Natural (7 x 54)

Oliva Master Blends 3 Churchill Natural (7 x 50)

Rocky Patel Edge Lite Double Corona Natural (7 1/2 x 52)

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