Camacho Ditka Signature Figurado
Camacho Ditka Signature Figurado
Camacho cigars releases the Ditka Signature and its fourth release in two years. “The Signature is one of the best cigars we’ve made so far, I’m proud of how my tastes were really brought to life with this project,” said Ditka in a press release. “If it carries my name it’s got to be good and the new Signature is damn good.” Mike Ditka is one of three cigar aficionado celebrity members of the Camacho's Board of the Bold along with movie director/producer Rob Weiss and jewelry designer/Room 101 Cigar owner Matt Booth. This is the ideal smoke for cigar aficionados and sports fans. This is a medium to full bodied cigar smoke with Honduran Criollo wrapper, Nicaragua Corojo 99' binder, and Dominican filler. The Ditka Signature cigar is the ideal blend of bold, spice, and creamy flavor. The sleek package design is blue, silver, and white, reminiscing to the days when Ditka played for the Chicago Bears.