In those rare circumstances, when all the planets align and lady luck is on your side, something wonderful happens. There's a term for that, "Once in a blue moon." When we make a sampler that is so rich in flavor, aroma, and profile, only one phrase seems fitting. Our Blue Moon Smokes will have you singing with joy as you taste the incredible heights that premium tobacco can reach. Make it an occasion you'll wistfully look back on for ages to come, with our Blue Moon Smokes Cigar Sampler!
Rocky Patel Edge Maduro The Rocky Patel Edge Maduro cigar is a superb cigar with wonderful flavors that has a 91 rating from Cigar Aficionado. The Edge Maduro is designed for cigar enthusiast with experience and appreciation for an enjoyable cigar with Cuban-seed, Honduran grown Maduro wrapper that is firm and oily and Mexican binder, that’s complimented with hints of sweetness, earthy tones, cedar base and peppery flavors.
Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 The Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 is a cigar that only comes once in a blue moon, literally! The extraordinary events of its birth are imbued in its flavor. The Montecristo Epic 12 began with an abundant crop of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco that proved to be one of the finest harvests the countries had ever seen.
Macanudo Maduro Macanudo Maduro cigars were introduced as a unique line in 1999. Previously, Macanudo had offered some maduro wrapped sizes, but the Maduro line is different, to say the least. Using a dark, toothy US Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper which is treated to a special fermentation, the Macanudo Maduro is mild to medium in body.
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host Maduro Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host Maduro cigars are the victorious comeback of the beloved Nat Sherman smoke that aficionados have been pining for. Built using a flavorful and perfectly aged crop of delectable Honduran tobacco, and rolled into its signature silky smooth, oily, and rich Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper.
Undercrown Maduro by Drew Estate In 2009 when the rollers at the Drew Estate factory were asked to stop smoking all the Liga Privada cigars no one was happy. Instead of being disgruntled by this request the rollers devised a plan to make their very own Liga cigars. They started by incorporating many of the same rare tobacco's that they used in Liga cigars but they used different vintages and priming.
Macanudo Maduro Hyde Park (5 1/2 x 49)
Rocky Patel Edge Maduro Toro Maduro (6 x 52)
Undercrown Maduro Robusto Maduro (5 x 54)
Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 Blue Toro Natural (6 x 52)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host Maduro Hobart – Robusto (5 x 50)