The little details matter. From seed to box, what a company puts into their cigar making process is important. The cigars in our Black, White & Gold sampler signal their excellent quality with their well-designed bands. Not only are these cigars nice to look at, they are even better to smoke! The Black Dahlia STK cigar features a balanced blend of Colombian, Nicaraguan, and Costa Rican tobacco, which give it a complex flavor with notes of cream, spice, nuts, and wood. The Romeo y Julieta Aniversario cigar features Dominican, Ecuadorian, and Peruvian tobacco, which give it a robust and earthy body with hints of cedar. Just as the bands differ wildly, the tobacco and blends vary but they all share top-notch quality rankings and incredibly low prices in our sampler!
Gran Habano Black Dahlia STK Gran Robusto (6 x 54) The Black Dahlia private blend of Nicaraguan Cubita, Habano, Costa Rican, and Colombia filler, a Habano and Nicaraguan double binder and a Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper, is a limited release housed in a bold black lacquer box with gold lettering. With this complex blend of carefully cultivated tobaccos, you can expect notes of cream, coffee and spice, with hints of nuts and woods.
Romeo by Romeo Robusto (5 x 50) A generation ahead of the rest. Making quality cigars takes years of practice and patience, Romeo y Julieta has been consistently making quality cigars for generations. The Romeo by Romeo y Julieta was voted #3 in Cigar Aficionado magazine in 2012. To make their cigars even better, they have added a twist to a classic love story. The Romeo. A bold and robust cigar unlike any you’ve ever experienced. These rare tobaccos are delicately aged and are then meticulously crafted by a handpicked team of artisans at the world famous Tabacalera de Garcia factory.
Cohiba Black Robusto (5 x 50). The Cohiba Black production is made of tobacco from several countries, including the state of Connecticut - for the wrapper, the Dominican Republic - for the binder and filler and Mexico - for the complex blend. The Cohiba Black delivers an indulgent smoking experience with all the richness and balance of the original Cohiba line. Cohiba Black features a well-fermented Connecticut broadleaf wrapper that gives the cigar its espresso black color. The filler is a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobaccos surrounded by an aged Dominican Piloto binder. This make Cohiba Black a perfectly balanced smooth cigars with robust flavors. The dark, oily, maduro wrapper is smooth and silky to the touch but deliver a powerful flavor as you smoke the cigar and, together with the sun-grown, extra aged, Dominican ligero (the leaves mature in the burn for one year and 3 more in stock piles) each Cohiba Black delivers a balanced, rich and heavenly flavors.
Romeo y Julieta Aniversario Toro (6 x 54) is a unique version of the old tried and tested Romeo y Julieta classic flavorful blend. This rich and bold cigar is wrapped with select Ecuadorian Habano seed wrapper and blended with Dominican Olor to create an outrageously flavored super-premium smoke. It is so rare that right now you can only find it at Mike’s Cigars and once you try just one you will be hooked forever.
Aj Fernandez Gispert Intenso Toro (6 x 50) Altadis USA gave the daunting task to master-blender AJ Fernandez, and he gave us the impressive Gispert Intenso. Dark and full-bodied, everything about this cigar screams intensity, from the bold design of the box to the dark and inviting wrapper on each stick. Intenso is the first Gispert to be made in Nicaragua, and features a dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Nicaraguan criollo 98 binder and a blend Nicaragua Criollo 98 and Piloto Cubano Dominican Fillers. This blend brings together notes of chocolate, earth, coffee, cinnamon, oak, leather and sweet spice.
Gran Habano Black Dahlia STK by George Rico Gran Robusto COROJO (6 x 54)
Gispert Intenso Toro NATURAL (6 x 50)
Romeo Y Julieta Aniversario Toro NATURAL (6 x 54)
Romeo By Romeo Y Julieta Robusto NATURAL (5 x 54)
Cohiba Black Robusto-no tube Maduro (5 1/2 x 50)