This is the go big or go home of cigar samplers. A Cigar sampler that is perfect for the Big Game Day. Big Cigars, Big Flavor, and Big Savings! Grab this sampler and get ready for a day of fun and festivities. We got Churchill sized cigars which are perfect for that long game day madness. If your pick wins or loses, we got you hooked up with one of the most expensive cigars around, the Zino Crown Chubby alone is a $50 cigar! But don't worry, with Mike's you won't even pay near that. Keep in mind, cigar lovers, there is a storm moving through the Northeast and layering snow in some areas. If you are in the Massachusetts to Maine area, keep in mind you can still select Next Day or Overnight shipping to get your cigars the next day and before the Big Game Weekend! To all of Cigar Smokers out there, stay safe and stay warm!
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real This cigar has a beautiful hand selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper and a Nicaraguan binder leaf. The filler is a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. These ingredients work together to create a rich and aromatic smoke that will satisfy even the most demanding cigar connoisseur.
Montecristo Platinum A somewhat richer vitola, the Montecristo Platinum Series is known for a fuller profile. Woody aromas give way to more sweet spice than in other Platinum sizes. A medium-full bodied smoke, the Platinum Series Toro is a solid 1+ hour cigar.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Any cigar aficionado will tell you that when Rocky blends a cigar, it tends to lean towards the sophisticated palate. It's really not for the novice. His blends are rather complex, like a great Cabernet wine, he reaches for a combination of balance and complexity. Rocky says that when blending tobaccos from various regions, it takes greater skill and knowledge but the end result is the symmetry and marrying of all these flavors to produce a really great tasting cigar.
Macanudo While still achieving the rich status of a Maduro flavor, the Macanudo Maduro is still a mellow smoke. With a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper and Cuban Seed Dominican fillers, this Macanudo is a medium-bodied powerful smoke.
Alec Bradley Connecticut Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar, the next generation of Connecticut, which according to Alan Rubin of Alec Bradley Cigars, is a Connecticut that has flavor, creaminess and truly satisfying. If you smoke this cigar you would not believe this is a Connecticut cigar, it possesses so much flavor. The Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar is a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran filler that is complemented by a silky Ecuadorian wrapper. The unique Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade sports full flavors, with notes of sweet nuts, and a bit of a woody finish.
Macanudo Prince Philip Cafe (7 1/2 x 49)
Montecristo Platinum Toro Natural (6 x 50)
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Six By Sixty Natural (6 x 60)
Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Churchill Natural (7 x 50)
Alec Bradley Connecticut Gordo Natural (6 x 60)