Have you ever sat back, with not a care in the world, and watched the shadows grow longer? It is the ultimate form of relaxation, just letting the sun slowly descend and viewing the effects. But any activity is made better with premium tobacco, so we put together our Autumn Shadows Cigar Sampler. We made sure there was no better choice of smokes for kicking back and letting your stress fall away. Each one is carefully blended with a harmonious selection of satisfying flavors. Bask in a cloud of soothing tastes with our Autumn Shadows Cigar Sampler!
Partagas This is the standard Partagas line which was created under the direction of Cifuentes in Jamaica in 1974 and then moved to the Dominican Republic in 1978, bearing the famed red band. The secret of today's rich Partagas cigars lies in their wrapper leaves, grown in Cameroon, the Central West African country where the steaming, sub-tropical climate unique to the fourth parallel is ideal for growing superb wrapper leaves, Cameroon wrappers have no equals for rich flavor and texture. Together with the Dominican and Mexican San Andreas binders and fillers, they make Partagas a rich and robust smoke that is satisfying and smooth. All are combined to form this tightly packed quality Partagas cigar. So rich yet never harsh, a Partagas cigar has all the flavor and character you’d expect from a premium cigar company rich in traditional values and quality.
Avo XO Created by the world famous musician and cigar impresario Avo Uvezian, the Avo XO is a toasty, medium bodied cigar full of promising flavors of nuts and herbs. From the special blend of the choicest Dominican filler and binder aged for a minimum of 6 years, to the rich and succulent Connecticut wrapper leaves, each Avo cigar is a work of art. Remarkably smooth, with an intriguing complexity, this medium-bodied smoke bring out wonderful notes of wood, spice, and dry sweet fruit. XO smokes are as incredible as the moments they create.
Montecristo Espada Unlike most non-Cuban Montecristos, the Espada by Montecristo brand is made in Nicaragua at Plasencia Cigars and is a collaboration between Plasencia and the Altadis blending team, known as the Grupo de Maestros. They’re made entirely from Nicaraguan tobacco and come packaged in striking suede boxes of 10. Montecristo has been one of the leaders in premium cigar brands globally and they continue to push the envelope with exquisite cigars by releasing the Espada by Montecristo. This marks the very first time that Montecristo releases a cigar that has 100% Nicaraguan leaf which is a significant moment for the legendary Montecristo brand.
Camacho Connecticut Smoking a cigar that successfully finds the balance between boldness and distinct flavor is hard to come by. The Camacho Connecticut Series combines both of these traits well, giving the cigar aficionado a mild, smooth smoke, but one that packs a spicy kick to it. Loaded with rich flavors from Generoso and Aléman Ligero tobaccos, bound by the legendary strength of their Original Corojo, and wrapped in a high-grade Connecticut leaf grown in Ecuador, this is one cigar with an intense flavor that backs down to no one.
Macanudo Café Macanudo Cafe cigars are created by using silky and golden US Connecticut Shade wrappers. All of which have been aged for a minimum of 3 years. This results in a smooth and creamy smoke, that is warm and welcoming. These exquisite wrappers are combined with a Mexican binder and a Dominican-Mexican filler blend. The bulk of which comes from the Dominican Republic. Which produces a mild body, yet flavorful cigar that can be enjoyed by everyone. Each draw is filled with mild to medium notes of wood, espresso, brown sugar, and espresso. Which lands softly on the palate. Its gentle profile is why the blend is ideal for newcomers to premium cigars.
Macanudo Hyde Park Cafe (5 1/2 x 49)
Partagas Naturales Natural (5 1/2 x 49)
Camacho Connecticut Toro Natural (6 x 50)
Montecristo Espada Guard Natural (6 x 50)
Avo XO Legato Natural (6 x 54)