The Two Cohiba, Camacho & Rocky Cigar Sampler was just released by Mike’s inventory control. These cigars are hard to come by and in limited supply so if you want to be included, please do not wait and place your order right now. With two Cohiba cigars and 3 more great smokes you are guaranteed to have full fun and complete satisfaction as you smoke away.
Cohiba Blue Cohiba Blue Robusto cigars start with a base of Jamastran tobaccos harvested from the Mystical region of Ometepe where the tobacco comes from the hillside of the island formed by two volcanoes rising from lake Nicaragua. This type of tobacco offers a sweetness that overplays the experience of the third tobacco filler which is Piloto Cubano. The taste of the Cohiba blue is sweet with a creamy cinnamon after taste.
Camacho Corojo The Camacho Corojo has been the cigar that has stayed truest to its vintage Cuban counterpart in its heyday. The Camacho line has taken the Corojo and dialed up its already rich, robust flavors, amping up intensity, making it a great full bodied blend. This bold cigar has been built with a high-grade wrapper leaf and grown with a seed that has been in a constant state of perfection for the past 40 years. The Filler tobaccos are a 3 times primed authentic Corojo, wrapped with an authentic Corojo (5th primed) wrapper and of course using an authentic Corojo binder.
Cohiba Black The Cohiba Black production is made of tobacco from several countries, including the state of Connecticut - for the wrapper, the Dominican Republic - for the binder and filler and Mexico - for the complex blend. The Cohiba Black delivers an indulgent smoking experience with all the richness and balance of the original Cohiba line. Cohiba Black features a well-fermented Connecticut broadleaf wrapper that gives the cigar its espresso black color. The filler is a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobaccos surrounded by an aged Dominican Piloto binder. This make Cohiba Black a perfectly balanced smooth cigars with robust flavors. The dark, oily, maduro wrapper is smooth and silky to the touch but deliver a powerful flavor as you smoke the cigar and, together with the sun-grown, extra aged, Dominican ligero (the leaves mature in the burn for one year and 3 more in stock piles) each Cohiba Black delivers a balanced, rich and heavenly flavors.
Rocky Patel Decade Perfection takes time. For the Rocky Patel Decade, it’s the perfect blend 10 years in the making. The silky Decade showcases a gorgeous, dark Sumatra wrapper surrounding a secret blend featuring only the finest tobaccos in the world. The result is a rich and toasty medium- to full-body smoking experience. Complexity, balance and elegance earned the Rocky Patel Decade ratings of 91, 92, 93 and 95 points – an instant classic.
Mike's 1950 Churchill (7 1/4 x 54). Introduced in 2005, this cigar salutes the opening of Mike’s Cigars by Mike Mersel in July 1950 in Miami Beach. He started his business career as a young lad helping his father holing a Pushcart up Orchard Street downtown Manhattan. They were selling socks and small sundries to passers bye, but soon he realized it was just too cold up there and he decided to move down to sunny Florida. He settled down in Alton Road, here in Miami Beach and the rest is history. It is medium-to-full body cigar sweet, yet spicy and full of interesting earthy notes it will please you from start to finish with hints of nuts and coffee.
Mike\'s 1950 Churchill NATURAL (7 1/4 x 54)
Rocky Patel Decade Toro Natural (6 1/2 x 52)
Camacho Corojo Robusto Corojo (5 x 50)
Cohiba Black Robusto - No tube Maduro (5 1/2 x 50)
Cohiba Blue 5 1/2 x 50 - Robusto Natural (5 1/2 x 50)