The 2 biggest Cuban names meet the best selling brand in America! With 2 Cohiba cigars, one from the Dominican Republic and the other from Nicaragua, giving you taste of the different dynamics of the Cohiba cigars. Montecristo is represented in the White blend that offers a mild to medium, creamy nutty smoke that is a great anytime cigar to smoke, followed by a Montecristo Platinum, a medium to full bodied cigar offering spice, and dried fruits on the plate. The Macanudo is wrapper is a beautifully dark maduro wrapper. This cigar looks like a fierce and strong cigar, but is really a mild - medium smoke that offers tons of flavor and a very smooth experience. This baby holds the Macanudo name with pride and offers everything and more Macanudo has been known to offer in its cigars.
Cohiba Robusto (5 x 50) Cohiba Robusto. The Cohiba cigar was developed by The General Cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. It is a remake of the famous Cuban cigar which Castro used to give to visiting dignitaries during the 70's. The Cohiba cigar, which was reformulated in the 1990s, is the only Cohiba cigar that can be purchased legally in the United States.
Montecristo White Toro (6 x 54) At a whopping 6 x 54 the Montecristo White Toro is a huge smoke. Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers combine with the Ecuadorian grown shade wrapper to produce copious amounts of smoke laced with honey, nuts and wood in a medium bodied smoke.
Rocky Patel Decade Toro (6 1/2 x 52), Perfection takes time. For the Rocky Patel Decade, it’s the perfect blend 10 years in the making. The silky Decade showcases a gorgeous, dark Sumatra wrapper surrounding a secret blend featuring only the finest tobaccos in the world. The result is a rich and toasty medium- to full-body smoking experience. Complexity, balance and elegance earned the Rocky Patel Decade ratings of 91, 92, 93 and 95 points – an instant classic.
Montecristo Platinum Toro (6 x 50) A somewhat richer vitola, the Montecristo Platinum Series toro is known for a fuller profile. Woody aromas give way to more sweet spice than in other Platinum sizes. A medium-full bodied smoke, the Platinum Series Toro is a solid 1+ hour cigar.
Cohiba Black The Cohiba Black production is made of tobacco from several countries, including the state of Connecticut - for the wrapper, the Dominican Republic - for the binder and filler and Mexico - for the complex blend. The Cohiba Black delivers an indulgent smoking experience with all the richness and balance of the original Cohiba line. Cohiba Black features a well-fermented Connecticut broadleaf wrapper that gives the cigar its espresso black color. The filler is a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobaccos surrounded by an aged Dominican Piloto binder. This make Cohiba Black a perfectly balanced smooth cigars with robust flavors. The dark, oily, maduro wrapper is smooth and silky to the touch but deliver a powerful flavor as you smoke the cigar and, together with the sun-grown, extra aged, Dominican ligero (the leaves mature in the burn for one year and 3 more in stock piles) each Cohiba Black delivers a balanced, rich and heavenly flavors.
Cohiba Robusto Natural (5 x 49)
Montecristo Platinum Robusto Natural (5 x 50)
Montecristo White Toro Natural (6 x 54)
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Robusto Natural (5 1/2 x 50)
Cohiba Black Robusto - No tube Maduro (5 1/2 x 50)